GC Heap History (10 events):
Event: 572312.299 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=5046 (full 357):
PSYoungGen total 201472K, used 200685K [0x573c0000, 0x63bc0000, 0x63bc0000)
eden space 198144K, 100% used [0x573c0000,0x63540000,0x63540000)
from space 3328K, 76% used [0x63540000,0x637bb528,0x63880000)
to space 3328K, 0% used [0x63880000,0x63880000,0x63bc0000)
ParOldGen total 843776K, used 422602K [0x23bc0000, 0x573c0000, 0x573c0000)
object space 843776K, 50% used [0x23bc0000,0x3d872b18,0x573c0000)
PSPermGen total 262144K, used 51848K [0x03bc0000, 0x13bc0000, 0x23bc0000)
object space 262144K, 19% used [0x03bc0000,0x06e62138,0x13bc0000)
Event: 572312.305 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=5046 (full 357):
PSYoungGen total 201472K, used 1103K [0x573c0000, 0x63bc0000, 0x63bc0000)
eden space 198144K, 0% used [0x573c0000,0x573c0000,0x63540000)
from space 3328K, 33% used [0x63880000,0x63993c90,0x63bc0000)
to space 3328K, 0% used [0x63540000,0x63540000,0x63880000)
ParOldGen total 843776K, used 423618K [0x23bc0000, 0x573c0000, 0x573c0000)
object space 843776K, 50% used [0x23bc0000,0x3d970b18,0x573c0000)
PSPermGen total 262144K, used 51848K [0x03bc0000, 0x13bc0000, 0x23bc0000)
object space 262144K, 19% used [0x03bc0000,0x06e62138,0x13bc0000)
Event: 572351.132 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=5047 (full 357):
PSYoungGen total 201472K, used 199247K [0x573c0000, 0x63bc0000, 0x63bc0000)
eden space 198144K, 100% used [0x573c0000,0x63540000,0x63540000)
from space 3328K, 33% used [0x63880000,0x63993c90,0x63bc0000)
to space 3328K, 0% used [0x63540000,0x63540000,0x63880000)
ParOldGen total 843776K, used 423618K [0x23bc0000, 0x573c0000, 0x573c0000)
object space 843776K, 50% used [0x23bc0000,0x3d970b18,0x573c0000)
PSPermGen total 262144K, used 51848K [0x03bc0000, 0x13bc0000, 0x23bc0000)
object space 262144K, 19% used [0x03bc0000,0x06e62138,0x13bc0000)
Event: 572351.137 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=5047 (full 357):
PSYoungGen total 201472K, used 1615K [0x573c0000, 0x63bc0000, 0x63bc0000)
eden space 198144K, 0% used [0x573c0000,0x573c0000,0x63540000)
from space 3328K, 48% used [0x63540000,0x636d3ec8,0x63880000)
to space 3328K, 0% used [0x63880000,0x63880000,0x63bc0000)
ParOldGen total 843776K, used 423674K [0x23bc0000, 0x573c0000, 0x573c0000)
object space 843776K, 50% used [0x23bc0000,0x3d97eb18,0x573c0000)
PSPermGen total 262144K, used 51848K [0x03bc0000, 0x13bc0000, 0x23bc0000)
object space 262144K, 19% used [0x03bc0000,0x06e62138,0x13bc0000)
Event: 572398.649 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=5048 (full 357):
PSYoungGen total 201472K, used 199759K [0x573c0000, 0x63bc0000, 0x63bc0000)
eden space 198144K, 100% used [0x573c0000,0x63540000,0x63540000)
from space 3328K, 48% used [0x63540000,0x636d3ec8,0x63880000)
to space 3328K, 0% used [0x63880000,0x63880000,0x63bc0000)
ParOldGen total 843776K, used 423674K [0x23bc0000, 0x573c0000, 0x573c0000)
object space 843776K, 50% used [0x23bc0000,0x3d97eb18,0x573c0000)
PSPermGen total 262144K, used 51848K [0x03bc0000, 0x13bc0000, 0x23bc0000)
object space 262144K, 19% used [0x03bc0000,0x06e62138,0x13bc0000)
Event: 572398.655 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=5048 (full 357):
PSYoungGen total 201472K, used 1998K [0x573c0000, 0x63bc0000, 0x63bc0000)
eden space 198144K, 0% used [0x573c0000,0x573c0000,0x63540000)
from space 3328K, 60% used [0x63880000,0x63a73830,0x63bc0000)
to space 3328K, 0% used [0x63540000,0x63540000,0x63880000)
ParOldGen total 843776K, used 423703K [0x23bc0000, 0x573c0000, 0x573c0000)
object space 843776K, 50% used [0x23bc0000,0x3d985cc0,0x573c0000)
PSPermGen total 262144K, used 51848K [0x03bc0000, 0x13bc0000, 0x23bc0000)
object space 262144K, 19% used [0x03bc0000,0x06e62138,0x13bc0000)
Event: 576881.689 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=5049 (full 357):
PSYoungGen total 201472K, used 200142K [0x573c0000, 0x63bc0000, 0x63bc0000)
eden space 198144K, 100% used [0x573c0000,0x63540000,0x63540000)
from space 3328K, 60% used [0x63880000,0x63a73830,0x63bc0000)
to space 3328K, 0% used [0x63540000,0x63540000,0x63880000)
ParOldGen total 843776K, used 423703K [0x23bc0000, 0x573c0000, 0x573c0000)
object space 843776K, 50% used [0x23bc0000,0x3d985cc0,0x573c0000)
PSPermGen total 262144K, used 51850K [0x03bc0000, 0x13bc0000, 0x23bc0000)
object space 262144K, 19% used [0x03bc0000,0x06e62850,0x13bc0000)
Event: 576881.696 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=5049 (full 357):
PSYoungGen total 201472K, used 3155K [0x573c0000, 0x63bc0000, 0x63bc0000)
eden space 198144K, 0% used [0x573c0000,0x573c0000,0x63540000)
from space 3328K, 94% used [0x63540000,0x63854cb0,0x63880000)
to space 3328K, 0% used [0x63880000,0x63880000,0x63bc0000)
ParOldGen total 843776K, used 423703K [0x23bc0000, 0x573c0000, 0x573c0000)
object space 843776K, 50% used [0x23bc0000,0x3d985cc0,0x573c0000)
PSPermGen total 262144K, used 51850K [0x03bc0000, 0x13bc0000, 0x23bc0000)
object space 262144K, 19% used [0x03bc0000,0x06e62850,0x13bc0000)
Event: 580535.452 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=5050 (full 357):
PSYoungGen total 201472K, used 201299K [0x573c0000, 0x63bc0000, 0x63bc0000)
eden space 198144K, 100% used [0x573c0000,0x63540000,0x63540000)
from space 3328K, 94% used [0x63540000,0x63854cb0,0x63880000)
to space 3328K, 0% used [0x63880000,0x63880000,0x63bc0000)
ParOldGen total 843776K, used 423703K [0x23bc0000, 0x573c0000, 0x573c0000)
object space 843776K, 50% used [0x23bc0000,0x3d985cc0,0x573c0000)
PSPermGen total 262144K, used 51856K [0x03bc0000, 0x13bc0000, 0x23bc0000)
object space 262144K, 19% used [0x03bc0000,0x06e64228,0x13bc0000)
Event: 580535.459 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=5050 (full 357):
PSYoungGen total 200960K, used 1858K [0x573c0000, 0x63bc0000, 0x63bc0000)
eden space 197632K, 0% used [0x573c0000,0x573c0000,0x634c0000)
from space 3328K, 55% used [0x63880000,0x63a50be0,0x63bc0000)
to space 3584K, 0% used [0x634c0000,0x634c0000,0x63840000)
ParOldGen total 843776K, used 423703K [0x23bc0000, 0x573c0000, 0x573c0000)
object space 843776K, 50% used [0x23bc0000,0x3d985cc0,0x573c0000)
PSPermGen total 262144K, used 51856K [0x03bc0000, 0x13bc0000, 0x23bc0000)
object space 262144K, 19% used [0x03bc0000,0x06e64228,0x13bc0000)
看了上面的内容,并没有发现tomcat闪崩是由于老年代,持久代,新生代空间不足引起的。有好几次因为eden区空间使用到100%引起的full gc,但是垃圾回收过后eden区的空间都恢复到正常的水平。
在java语言里, 当你创建一个线程的时候,虚拟机会在JVM内存创建一个Thread对象同时创建一个操作系统线程,而这个系统线程的内存用的不是JVMMemory,而是系统中剩下的内存(MaxProcessMemory - JVMMemory - ReservedOsMemory)。
现在只剩 下Decrease Java heap size (-Xmx/-Xms) 这个解决方案了。通过减少堆的大小,而留出足够的内存空间给java线程堆栈使用。