主页 > 知识库 > ASP JSON类源码分享


热门标签:阿里云 团购网站 银行业务 科大讯飞语音识别系统 Mysql连接数设置 电子围栏 Linux服务器 服务器配置
复制代码 代码如下:

' 文件名称 : /Cls_Json.asp
' 文件作用 : 系统JSON类文件
' 文件版本 : VBS JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) Version 2.0.2
' 程序修改 : Cloud.L
' 最后更新 : 2009-05-12
' 程序核心 : JSON官方 http://www.json.org/
' 作者博客 : Http://www.cnode.cn
Class Json_Cls

Public Collection
Public Count
Public QuotedVars '是否为变量增加引号
Public Kind ' 0 = object, 1 = array

Private Sub Class_Initialize
Set Collection = Server.CreateObject(GP_ScriptingDictionary)
QuotedVars = True
Count = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate
Set Collection = Nothing
End Sub

' counter
Private Property Get Counter
Counter = Count
Count = Count + 1
End Property

' 设置对象类型
Public Property Let SetKind(ByVal fpKind)
Select Case LCase(fpKind)
Case "object":Kind=0
Case "array":Kind=1
End Select
End Property

' - data maluplation
' -- pair
Public Property Let Pair(p, v)
If IsNull(p) Then p = Counter
Collection(p) = v
End Property

Public Property Set Pair(p, v)
If IsNull(p) Then p = Counter
If TypeName(v) > "Json_Cls" Then
Err.Raise hD, "class: class", "class object: '" TypeName(v) "'"
End If
Set Collection(p) = v
End Property

Public Default Property Get Pair(p)
If IsNull(p) Then p = Count - 1
If IsObject(Collection(p)) Then
Set Pair = Collection(p)
Pair = Collection(p)
End If
End Property
' -- pair
Public Sub Clean
End Sub

Public Sub Remove(vProp)
Collection.Remove vProp
End Sub
' data maluplation

' encoding
Public Function jsEncode(str)
Dim i, j, aL1, aL2, c, p

aL1 = Array(h22, h5C, h2F, h08, h0C, h0A, h0D, h09)
aL2 = Array(h22, h5C, h2F, h62, h66, h6E, h72, h74)
For i = 1 To Len(str)
p = True
c = Mid(str, i, 1)
For j = 0 To 7
If c = Chr(aL1(j)) Then
jsEncode = jsEncode "\" Chr(aL2(j))
p = False
Exit For
End If

If p Then
Dim a
a = AscW(c)
If a > 31 And a 127 Then
jsEncode = jsEncode c
ElseIf a > -1 Or a 65535 Then
jsEncode = jsEncode "\u" String(4 - Len(Hex(a)), "0") Hex(a)
End If
End If
End Function

' converting
Public Function toJSON(vPair)
Select Case VarType(vPair)
Case 1 ' Null
toJSON = "null"
Case 7 ' Date
' yaz saati problemi var
' jsValue = "new Date(" Round((vVal - #01/01/1970 02:00#) * 86400000) ")"
toJSON = """" CStr(vPair) """"
Case 8 ' String
toJSON = """" jsEncode(vPair) """"
Case 9 ' Object
Dim bFI,i
bFI = True
If vPair.Kind Then toJSON = toJSON "[" Else toJSON = toJSON "{"
For Each i In vPair.Collection
If bFI Then bFI = False Else toJSON = toJSON ","

If vPair.Kind Then
toJSON = toJSON toJSON(vPair(i))
If QuotedVars Then
toJSON = toJSON """" i """:" toJSON(vPair(i))
toJSON = toJSON i ":" toJSON(vPair(i))
End If
End If
If vPair.Kind Then toJSON = toJSON "]" Else toJSON = toJSON "}"
Case 11
If vPair Then toJSON = "true" Else toJSON = "false"
Case 12, 8192, 8204
Dim sEB
toJSON = MultiArray(vPair, 1, "", sEB)
Case Else
toJSON = Replace(vPair, ",", ".")
End select
End Function

Public Function MultiArray(aBD, iBC, sPS, ByRef sPT) ' Array BoDy, Integer BaseCount, String PoSition
Dim iDU, iDL, i ' Integer DimensionUBound, Integer DimensionLBound
On Error Resume Next
iDL = LBound(aBD, iBC)
iDU = UBound(aBD, iBC)

Dim sPB1, sPB2 ' String PointBuffer1, String PointBuffer2
If Err = 9 Then
sPB1 = sPT sPS
For i = 1 To Len(sPB1)
If i > 1 Then sPB2 = sPB2 ","
sPB2 = sPB2 Mid(sPB1, i, 1)
MultiArray = MultiArray toJSON(Eval("aBD(" sPB2 ")"))
sPT = sPT sPS
MultiArray = MultiArray "["
For i = iDL To iDU
MultiArray = MultiArray MultiArray(aBD, iBC + 1, i, sPT)
If i iDU Then MultiArray = MultiArray ","
MultiArray = MultiArray "]"
sPT = Left(sPT, iBC - 2)
End If
End Function

Public Property Get ToString
ToString = toJSON(Me)
End Property

Public Sub Flush
If TypeName(Response) > "Empty" Then
ElseIf WScript > Empty Then
End If
End Sub

Public Function Clone
Set Clone = ColClone(Me)
End Function

Private Function ColClone(core)
Dim jsc, i
Set jsc = New Json_Cls
jsc.Kind = core.Kind
For Each i In core.Collection
If IsObject(core(i)) Then
Set jsc(i) = ColClone(core(i))
jsc(i) = core(i)
End If
Set ColClone = jsc
End Function

Public Function QueryToJSON(dbc, sql)
Dim rs, jsa,col
Set rs = dbc.Execute(sql)
Set jsa = New Json_Cls
While Not (rs.EOF Or rs.BOF)
Set jsa(Null) = New Json_Cls
For Each col In rs.Fields
jsa(Null)(col.Name) = col.Value
Set QueryToJSON = jsa
End Function

End Class
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