% 'Confirm a keyword's position of a database(which table which column) 'By oldjun(http://www.oldjun.com) 'Based on huangzi(http://www.2chuizi.com)'s sql Server.ScriptTimeout=999999999 Response.Buffer =true On Error Resume Next keyword=request("keyword") if keyword="" then response.write "Need keyword!" response.End End if dim conn Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Dim ConnStr 'ConnectionString,Pls change! ConnStr="Driver={SQL SERVER};Server=localhost;UID=sa;PWD=sa;Database=master" Conn.open ConnStr conn.execute("CREATE TABLE huangzi_table(id int identity(1,1),biaoid int,biaoname nvarchar(1000))") conn.execute("insert huangzi_table select [id],[name] from sysobjects where xtype='U'") set rs =conn.execute("select count(id) as tnum from huangzi_table") tnum=rs("tnum") rs.close set rs=nothing for i=1 to tnum set rsbiao =conn.execute("select biaoid from huangzi_table where id="i"") biaoid=rsbiao("biaoid") set rst =conn.execute("select [biaoname] from huangzi_table where biaoid="biaoid"") tname=rst("biaoname") set rsl=conn.execute("select count([name]) as lnum from syscolumns where id="biaoid"") lnum=rsl("lnum") for j=1 to lnum topnum=j-1 set rslie=conn.execute("select top 1 [name] from syscolumns where id="biaoid" and [name] not in (select top "topnum" [name] from syscolumns where id="biaoid")") liename=rslie("name") set rsresult=conn.execute("select top 1 ["liename"] from ["tname"] where CAST(["liename"] AS NVARCHAR(1000))='"keyword"'") if rsresult.bof or rsresult.eof then 'response.write "Nothing-"tname":"liename 'response.write "br>" else result=rsresult(liename) response.write result"("tname":"liename")" response.write "br>" End if rslie.close set rslie=nothing rsresult.close set rsresult=nothing next rsbiao.close set rsbiao=nothing rst.close set rst=nothing rsl.close set rsl=nothing next conn.execute("DROP TABLE huangzi_table") %>