%@ Language=VBScript %> % Dim strIP strIP = request("IP") %> FORM action=? method=post> 输入IP:input type=text value="%=strIP%>" style="BORDER: #AAAAAA 1px solid;" name="IP"> input type="submit" value="确定发送"> /FORM> % if strIP="list" then Call ListDenyIP("2443") response.end end if if strIP="query" then Call CheckWebSiteSetup response.end end if # if strIP>"" then Call AddDenyIP("2443",strIP) end if Sub CheckWebSiteSetup() Set IISOBJ=GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC") for each website in IISOBJ if website.Class="IIsWebServer" then for each b in website.ServerBindings response.write ("Server "Website.AdsPath" has binding"b) response.write ("br>") next end if next end sub # Sub ListDenyIP(strWebNo) set SecObj = GETObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/"+strWebNo+"/Root") set MyIPSec = SecObj.IPSecurity IPList=MyIPSec.IPDeny if ubound(IPList)0 then response.write "BR>无数据,请先随便加一条BR>" exit sub end if # intIPListCount=ubound(IPList)+1 # for i=0 to ubound(IPList) response.write i+1 response.write ":" response.write IPList(i) response.write "br>" next end sub Sub AddDenyIP(strWebNo,strDenyIp) set SecObj = GETObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/"+strWebNo+"/Root") set MyIPSec = SecObj.IPSecurity ' Make sure GrantByDefault=TRUE or your changes will not count. If (FALSE = MyIPSec.GrantByDefault) Then Response.Write "BR>GrantByDefault was not TRUE. Setting to TRUE.BR>" MyIPSec.GrantByDefault = TRUE End If
IPList=MyIPSec.IPDeny if ubound(IPList)0 then response.write "BR>无数据,请先随便加一条BR>" exit sub end if # intIPListCount=ubound(IPList)+1 # for i=0 to ubound(IPList) if strDenyIp = left(IPList(i),len(strDenyIp)) then response.write "BR>重复数据。BR>" exit sub end if next redim Preserve IPList(intIPListCount) IPList(intIPListCount)=strDenyIp
response.write "新添加:" response.write strDenyIp response.write "br>" MyIPSec.IPDeny = IPList SecObj.IPSecurity = MyIPSec SecObj.Setinfo end sub %>