table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> % dim rs,sqltext set rs = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") sqltext="select * from [bigclass]" rs.Open sqltext,conn,1,1 m=1 colzs=5 '一行显示5列 if rs.RecordCount mod colzs=0 then rowzs=int(rs.RecordCount/colzs) else rowzs=int(rs.RecordCount/colzs)+1 end if for j = 1 to rowzs%> tr> %for i = 1 to colzs%> %if not rs.EOF then%> td>input type="checkbox" name="qxflag%=m%>" value="1">%=trim(rs("bigname"))%>/td> % rs.MoveNext m = m + 1 else %> td> nbsp;/td> %end if%> %next%> /tr> % next rs.Close set rs = nothing %> /table>