html> head> title>获取ACCESS数据库表名> /head> body style="text-align:left;margin-left:50px;font-family:'arial';font-size:12px"> form style="padding:5px;margin:5px;margin-left:0px" name="get" action="" method="post"> 数据库路径:input type="text" name="path" value="" size="50" /> input type="hidden" name="ari" value="1" /> input type="submit" value="查看" /> /form> hr> % if request.form("ari")="1" and request.form("path")>"" then dim conn,connstr,i,sql,rs on error resume next Connstr="DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ="+server.mappath(request.form("path")) Set Conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Open connstr If Err Then err.Clear Set Conn = Nothing Response.Write "数据库连接出错,请检查连接字串。" Response.End End If %> font color=red>%=conn.connectionstring%>/font>hr> % j=0 dim tablecount tablecount=0 Set shm = conn.OpenSchema(20) shm.MoveFirst Do While Not shm.EOF If shm("TABLE_TYPE") = "TABLE" Then If Left(shm("table_name"), 1) > "~" Then '这里过滤掉隐藏表 j=j+1 call GetFileds(shm("table_name")) End If End If shm.MoveNext Loop response.write "共有 "j" 个数据表!" else response.write "h3>请输入数据库相对路径查看具体内容!/h3>" end if %> /body> /html> % Function GetFileds(TableName) Set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") Dim SQL SQL = "select * from " TableName rs.Open SQL, conn, 1, 1 Dim Cont Cont = rs.Fields.Count response.write "div style=""margin-bottom:10px;padding:5px;border:1px #dddddd solid;background:#eeeeee"">"vbcrlf response.write "表 font color=red>b>"TableName"/b>/font> 中含有"Cont"个字段,具体如下:br>"vbcrlf For i = 0 To Cont - 1 dim filtype select case rs.fields(i).type case 3 filtype="自动编号(数字)" case 202 filtype="字符" case 203 filtype="备注" case 125 filtype="日期" case 11 filtype="真/假(是/否)" end select response.write " font color=red>"i"/font>--font color=green>b>"rs.fields(i).name"/b>/font>--"filtype";br />"vbcrlf Next response.write "/div>"vbcrlf rs.Close set rs=nothing End Function %>