% if Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")>"" then response.write "font color=#FF0000>您通过了代理服务器," _ "真实的IP为"Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") end if %>
select name="select"> % Dim M_Year Dim M_Month Dim M_MonthJ Dim M_TheMonth Dim M_YM For M_Year = 2000 To Year(Date) M_Month = 12 If M_Year = Year(Date) Then M_Month = Month(Date) End If For M_MonthJ=1 To M_Month If M_MonthJ 10 Then M_TheMonth = "0" M_MonthJ Else M_TheMonth = M_MonthJ End If M_YM = M_Year "-" M_TheMonth %> option value="%= M_YM %>">%= M_YM %>/option> % Next Next %> /select>
conn.execute("delete from table where id not in (select distinct from table)")