table width=100%> tr> td>新闻编号/td> td>新闻标题/td> td>发布日期/td> tr> % If Not Rs_News.eof Do while Not Rs_News.eof and RowCount>0 %> tr> td>%=Rs_News("ID")%>/td> td>%=Rs_News("Name")%>/td> td>%=Rs_News("Date")%>/td> tr> % RowCount = RowCount - 1 Rs_News.MoveNext Loop End If %>
修正: % If Not Rs_News.eof then Do while Not Rs_News.eof and RowCount>0 %>
而那个公共模块缺form>,改后: % Sub TurnPage(ByRef Rs_tmp,PageSize) 'Rs_tmp 记录集 ; PageSize 每页显示的记录条数; Dim TotalPage '总页数 Dim PageNo '当前显示的是第几页 Dim RecordCount '总记录条数 Rs_tmp.PageSize = PageSize RecordCount = Rs_tmp.RecordCount TotalPage = INT(RecordCount / PageSize * -1)*-1 PageNo = Request.QueryString ("PageNo") '直接输入页数跳转; If Request.Form("PageNo")>"" Then PageNo = Request.Form("PageNo") '如果没有选择第几页,则默认显示第一页; If PageNo = "" then PageNo = 1 If RecordCount > 0 then Rs_tmp.AbsolutePage = PageNo End If '获取当前文件名,使得每次翻页都在当前页面进行; Dim fileName,postion fileName = Request.ServerVariables("script_name") postion = InstrRev(fileName,"/")+1 fileName = Mid(fileName,postion) %> table border=0 width='100%'> tr> td width="258" align=left> 总页数:font color=#ff3333>%=TotalPage%>/font>页 当前第font color=#ff3333>%=PageNo%>/font>页 总共%=RecordCount%>条 /td> td width="308" align="right"> div align="center"> %If RecordCount = 0 or TotalPage = 1 Then Response.Write "首页|前页|后页|末页" Else%> a href="%=fileName%>?PageNo=1">首页|/a> %If PageNo - 1 = 0 Then Response.Write "前页|" Else%> a href="%=fileName%>?PageNo=%=PageNo-1%>">前页|/a> %End If