Asp中对ip进行过滤限制函数 % '获取访问者的地址 ip=Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") '允许的IP地址段为10.0.0.0~ allowip1="" allowip2="" response.write checkip(ip,allowip1,allowip2) function checkip(ip,allowip1,allowip2) dim check(4) checkip=false ipstr=split(ip,".") allow1=split(allowip1,".") allow2=split(allowip2,".") if cint(allow1(0))>cint(allow2(0)) then '判断IP地址段是否合法 response.write "IP地址段出错!" exit function end if for i=0 to ubound(ipstr) if cint(allow1(i))cint(allow2(i)) then if cint(allow1(i))=cint(ipstr(i)) then check(i)=true checkip=true exit for elseif cint(ipstr(i))cint(allow2(i)) then check(i)=true checkip=true exit for elseif cint(ipstr(i))>cint(allow2(i)) then check(i)=false checkip=false exit for else check(i)=true checkip=true end if end if end if elseif cint(allow1(i))>cint(ipstr(i)) or cint(allow1(i))cint(ipstr(i)) then check(i)=false checkip=false if i>ubound(ipstr) then exit for end if else check(i)=true end if end if next if (check(0)=true and check(1)=true and check(2)=true and check(3)=false) and (cint(allow2(2))>cint(ipstr(2))) then checkip=true end if end function %>
% '列举使用HTML表单提交的所有值 For Each item In Request.Form Response.Write Request.Form(item) Next %> 列举使用HTML表单提交的所有值
利用ASP得到图片尺寸大小 % imgpath="default_22.gif"
set pp=new imgInfo w = pp.imgW(server.mappath(imgpath)) h = pp.imgH(server.mappath(imgpath)) set pp=nothing
Class imgInfo dim aso Private Sub Class_Initialize set aso=CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") aso.Mode=3 aso.Type=1 aso.Open End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate err.clear set aso=nothing End Sub
Private Function Bin2Str(Bin) Dim I, Str For I=1 to LenB(Bin) clow=MidB(Bin,I,1) if ASCB(clow)128 then Str = Str Chr(ASCB(clow)) else I=I+1 if I = LenB(Bin) then Str = Str Chr(ASCW(MidB(Bin,I,1)clow)) end if Next Bin2Str = Str End Function
Private Function Num2Str(num,base,lens) dim ret ret = "" while(num>=base) ret = (num mod base) ret num = (num - num mod base)/base wend Num2Str = right(string(lens,"0") num ret,lens) End Function
Private Function Str2Num(str,base) dim ret ret = 0 for i=1 to len(str) ret = ret *base + cint(mid(str,i,1)) next Str2Num=ret End Function
Private Function BinVal(bin) dim ret ret = 0 for i = lenb(bin) to 1 step -1 ret = ret *256 + ascb(midb(bin,i,1)) next BinVal=ret End Function
Private Function BinVal2(bin) dim ret ret = 0 for i = 1 to lenb(bin) ret = ret *256 + ascb(midb(bin,i,1)) next BinVal2=ret End Function
Private Function getImageSize(filespec) dim ret(3) aso.LoadFromFile(filespec) select case hex(binVal(bFlag)) case "4E5089": ret(0)="PNG" ret(1)=BinVal2( ret(2)=BinVal2( case "464947": ret(0)="GIF" ret(1)=BinVal( ret(2)=BinVal( case "535746": binData=aso.Read(1) sConv=Num2Str(ascb(binData),2 ,8) nBits=Str2Num(left(sConv,5),2) sConv=mid(sConv,6) while(len(sConv)nBits*4) binData=aso.Read(1) sConv=sConvNum2Str(ascb(binData),2 ,8) wend ret(0)="SWF" ret(1)=int(abs(Str2Num(mid(sConv,1*nBits+1,nBits),2)-Str2Num(mid(sConv,0*nBits+1,nBits),2))/20) ret(2)=int(abs(Str2Num(mid(sConv,3*nBits+1,nBits),2)-Str2Num(mid(sConv,2*nBits+1,nBits),2))/20) case "FFD8FF": do do: p1=binVal(aso.Read(1)): loop while p1=255 and not aso.EOS if p1>191 and p1196 then exit do else do:p1=binVal(aso.Read(1)):loop while p1255 and not aso.EOS loop while true aso.Read(3) ret(0)="JPG" ret(2)=binval2(aso.Read(2)) ret(1)=binval2(aso.Read(2)) case else: if left(Bin2Str(bFlag),2)="BM" then aso.Read(15) ret(0)="BMP" ret(1)=binval(aso.Read(4)) ret(2)=binval(aso.Read(4)) else ret(0)="" end if end select ret(3)="width=""" ret(1) """ height=""" ret(2) """" getimagesize=ret End Function
Public Function imgW(pic_path) Set fso1 = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If (fso1.FileExists(pic_path)) Then Set f1 = fso1.GetFile(pic_path) ext=fso1.GetExtensionName(pic_path) select case ext case "gif","bmp","jpg","png": arr=getImageSize(f1.path) imgW = arr(1) end select Set f1=nothing else imgW = 0 End if Set fso1=nothing End Function
Public Function imgH(pic_path) Set fso1 = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If (fso1.FileExists(pic_path)) Then Set f1 = fso1.GetFile(pic_path) ext=fso1.GetExtensionName(pic_path) select case ext case "gif","bmp","jpg","png": arr=getImageSize(f1.path) imgH = arr(2) end select Set f1=nothing else imgH = 0 End if Set fso1=nothing End Function End Class %> 客户端屏幕分辨率:Request.SERVERVARIABLES("HTTP_UA_PIXELS")
如何判断URL格式是否符合规范? % function checkisUrl(tmpString) dim c,i checkisUrl = true tmpString=Lcase(trim(tmpString)) if left(tmpString,7)>"http://" then tmpStri ... //"tmpString for i = 8 to Len(checkisUrl) c = Lcase(Mid(tmpString, i, 1)) if InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-./\", c) = 0 and not IsNumeric(c) then checkisUrl = false exit function end if next if Left(tmpString, 1) = "." or Right(tmpString, 1) = "." then checkisUrl = false exit function end if if InStr(tmpString, ".") = 0 then checkisUrl = false response.Write "f3" exit function end if if InStr(checkisUrl, "..") > 0 then checkisUrl = false end if end function%>% if checkisUrl(request("u"))=true then %>恭喜,你的URL通过!%else %>对不起,你的URL不合乎规范,请重新检查!%end if%>
% myDSN="DSN=xur;uid=xur;pwd=xur"mySQL="select * from authors where AU_ID100"set conntemp=server.createobject("adodb.connection") myDSNset rstemp=conntemp.execute(mySQL)if rstemp.eof thenresponse.write "噢,数据库为空!"response.write mySQLconntemp.closeset conntemp=nothingresponse.end end if%>%do until rstemp.eof %>%rstemp.movenextlooprstemp.closeset rstemp=nothingconntemp.closeset conntemp=nothing' 清空对象%> '获取用户真实IP函数 Function GetIP() GetIP = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") If GetIP = "" Then GetIP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") End Function
'获取完整地址栏地址 Function GetUrl() GetUrl="http://"Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")Request.ServerVariables("URL") If Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")>"" Then GetURL=GetUrl"?" Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") End Function
'获取本页文件名 Function SelfName() SelfName = Mid(Request.ServerVariables("URL"),InstrRev(Request.ServerVariables("URL"),"/")+1) End Function
'获取文件后缀名 Function GetExt(filename) GetExt = Mid(filename,InstrRev(filename,".")+1) End Function
'求字符串长度函数 Function GetLength(str) Dim i,length For i = 1 to Len(str) If Asc(Mid(str,i,1))0 or Asc(Mid(str,i,1))>256 Then length = length+2 Else length = length+1 End If Next GetLength = length End Function
'过滤不良字符 Function ChkBadWords(fString) Dim BadWords,bwords,i BadWords = "我操|操你|操他|你妈的|他妈的|狗|杂种|屄|屌|王八|强奸|做爱|处女|泽民|法轮|法伦|洪志|法輪" If Not(IsNull(BadWords) or IsNull(fString)) Then bwords = Split(BadWords, "|") For i = 0 to UBound(bwords) fString = Replace(fString, bwords(i), string(Len(bwords(i)),"*")) Next ChkBadWords = fString End If End Function
'防止外部提交 Function ChkPost() Dim URL1,URL2 ChkPost = False URL1 = Cstr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")) URL2 = Cstr(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")) If Mid(URL1,8,Len(URL2))>URL2 Then ChkPost = False Else ChkPost = True End If End Function
'过滤HTML字符函数 Function HTMLEncode(fString) If Not IsNull(fString) And fString > "" Then fString = Replace(fString, "", "") fString = Replace(fString, ">", "gt;") fString = Replace(fString, "", "lt;") fString = Replace(fString, Chr(32), " ") fString = Replace(fString, Chr(9), " ") fString = Replace(fString, Chr(34), """) fString = Replace(fString, Chr(39), "#39;") fString = Replace(fString, Chr(13), "") fString = Replace(fString, Chr(10) Chr(10), "/P>P>") fString = Replace(fString, Chr(10), "BR>") fString = Replace(fString, Chr(255), " ") HTMLEncode = fString End If End Function
'清除HTML标记 Function stripHTML(strHTML) Dim objRegExp,strOutput Set objRegExp = New Regexp objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True objRegExp.Global = True objRegExp.Pattern = ".+?>" strOutput = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML,"") strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "","lt;") strOutput = Replace(strOutput, ">","gt;") stripHTML = strOutput Set objRegExp = Nothing End Function