其中care4也说了两次所以如果你有问题最好先搜索一下 说不定问题早有人解决了 ... ;highlight=%2Bcare4 ... ;highlight=%2Bcare4
care4的代码有一个小缺点 就是需要组件。
第一个是.net组件 二不是 但用组件始终不太方便有没有asp直接获取的方式呢
我写的一个vb简单的winsock获取的代码 ... t=Response.redirect
XMLHTTP组件在处理包含Location头的302消息时太智能了,直接给跳转到最后的页面,也就是说~我们看不到中间的过程!比尔自作聪明阿 !
不过还好MSXML4里面提供了一个可用的新的组件:WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1,这个也是MSXML4 XMLHTTP组件的核心。 WinHttp.WinHttpRequest有一个十分关键的属性:Option,这个属性的第六个索引就是指示是否自动跳转,然后就可以轻松的使用XMLHTTP组件的getResponseHeader和getAllResponseHeaders方法来获取返回的HTTP头信息了。
Dim oHttp
Set oHttp=Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1"
oHttp.Option(6)=0 '禁止自动Redirect,最关键的 剩下的就简单读取数据都估计大家都会
oHttp.SetTimeouts 5000,5000,30000,5000 '设置超时~和ServerXMLHTTP组件一样
oHttp.Open "GET",sUrl,False '以同步模式打开URL
If oHttp.Status>200 And oHttp.Status>302 Then
'对于其他数值的状态,基本上我们不要处理,但是你要处理也可以比如 440或者别的状态你自己处理就可以了!
End If
一切搞定 over 继续去csdn混分去了
% Public Function Bytes2BSTR(v) Dim r,i,t,n : r = "" For i = 1 To LenB(v) t = AscB(MidB(v,i,1)) If t H80 Then r = r Chr(t) Else n = AscB(MidB(v,i+1,1)) r = r Chr(CLng(t) * H100 + CInt(n)) i = i + 1 End If Next Bytes2BSTR = r End Function '========================================================================================== If Request.QueryString="ViewSource" Then Dim oFso : Set oFso=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim oFil : Set oFil=oFso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("URL.Asp")) Dim sTxt : sTxt=oFil.ReadAll() oFil.Close : Set oFil=Nothing : Set oFso=Nothing Response.ContentType="text/plain" Response.Write sTxt Response.ENd End If %>?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312" standalone="yes"?> !doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> html xmlns:v=""> head> title>/title> meta name="Generator" content="EditPlus" /> meta name="Author" content="eglic" /> meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> meta name="CharSet" content="GB2312" /> link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/default.css" /> style type="text/css"> @media all{ } /style> script language="javascript" src="/scripts/default.js">/script> script language="javascript" src="/scripts/xml.js">/script> script language="javascript">//!-- //-->/script> /head> body> form action="" method="POST"> 要检测的URL:input type="text" name="URL" size="50" value="% If Request.Form("URL")>"" THen Response.Write Trim(Request.Form("URL")) Else Response.Write "" End If %>" /> input type="submit" value="提交" /> input type="button" value="查看源代码" onclick="'%=URLSelf%>?ViewSource');" /> /form> % Public Function GetAbsoluteURL(sUrl,ByRef iStep) Dim bUrl,bDat If iStep>15 Then Err.Raise vbObejctError,"递归错误","递归嵌套超过15层可能会引起程序崩溃" End If If InStr(sUrl,"://")=0 Then sUrl="http://" sUrl If InStr(sUrl,"?")>0 THen Dim tmpUrl : tmpUrl=split(sUrl,"?") bUrl=tmpUrl(0) bDat=tmpUrl(1) Else bUrl=sUrl bDat="" End If Response.Write "p style=""border:solid 1px silver;border-top:solid 2px red;padding:5px;margin:2px;"">" Response.Write "第 " iStep " 步:" Response.Write "正在准备获取 " bUrl "br />" iStep=iStep+1 if bDat>"" Then Response.Write "nbsp;nbsp;>>参数: " bDat "br />" Dim oHttp : Set oHttp=Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") oHttp.Option(6)=0 '禁止自动Redirect,最关键的 'oHttp.Option() oHttp.SetTimeouts 5000,5000,30000,5000 oHttp.Open "GET",sUrl,False On Error Resume Next oHttp.Send bDat If Err.Number>0 Then Response.Write "font color=""red"">发生错误:" Err.Description "/font>br />" Err.Clear GetAbsoluteURL="" Set oHttp=Nothing Response.Write "/p>" Exit Function End If On Error Goto 0 Response.Write "nbsp;nbsp;>>HTTP 状态:" oHttp.Status "br />" If oHttp.Status>200 And oHttp.Status>302 Then Response.Write "font color=""red"">HTTP错误:" oHttp.StatusText "/font>br />" Err.Clear GetAbsoluteURL="" Set oHttp=Nothing Response.Write "/p>" Exit Function End If Dim sLoca On Error Resume Next sLoca=oHttp.getResponseHeader("Location") If Err.Number>0 Then Err.Clear sLoca="" End If On Error Goto 0 If sLoca = "" Then Response.Write "nbsp;nbsp;>>Content-Type:" oHttp.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") "br />" Response.Write "nbsp;nbsp;>>Content-Length:" On Error Resume Next Response.Write oHttp.getResponseHeader("Content-Length") If Err.Number>0 THen Err.Clear On Error Goto 0 Response.Write "br />" Response.Write "nbsp;nbsp;>>没有返回Location头,继续分析页面br />" If oHttp.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")="text/html" Then '是HTML类型才继续处理 Dim sBody : sBody=Bytes2BStr(oHttp.responseBody) Dim r : Set r=new Regexp r.MultiLine=True r.Global=True r.IgnoreCase=True r.Pattern="meta.+http\-equiv\=\""refresh\"".+content=\""[^\;]+;url\=([^\""\s\&;]*).*$" If r.Test(sBody) Then Response.Write "nbsp;nbsp;>>发现 Refresh 地址br />" Dim m : Set m=r.Execute(sBody) Dim tRefUrl : tRefUrl=r.Replace(m(0).Value,"$1") If InStr(tRefUrl,"://")=0 Then '没有指定协议,按当前URL的位置重新设置 Dim ind1 : ind1=InstrRev(sUrl,"/") sUrl=Left(sUrl,ind1) tRefUrl=sUrl tRefUrl End If Set r=Nothing Set oHttp=Nothing Response.Write "nbsp;nbsp;>>准备分析 u>" tRefUrl "/u>br />" Response.Write "/p>" GetAbsoluteURL=GetAbsoluteURL(tRefUrl,iStep) Exit Function Else Response.Write "nbsp;nbsp;>>没发现 Refresh Meta 转向,这可能就是最终的URLbr />" GetAbsoluteURL=sUrl Set r=Nothing Set oHttp=Nothing Response.Write "/p>" Exit Function End If Else GetAbsoluteURL=sUrl Set oHttp=Nothing Response.Write "/p>" Exit Function End If '这里要继续分析网页内容 Else Response.Write "nbsp;nbsp;>>Content-Type:" oHttp.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") "br />" Response.Write "nbsp;nbsp;>>Content-Length:" On Error Resume Next Response.Write oHttp.getResponseHeader("Content-Length") If Err.Number>0 THen Err.Clear On Error Goto 0 Response.Write "br />" Response.Write "nbsp;nbsp;>>u>Location : " sLoca "/u>br />" Response.Write "/p>" '这里要生成新的URL If InStr(sLoca,"://")=0 Then '没有指定协议,按当前URL的位置重新设置 Dim ind : ind=InstrRev(sUrl,"/") sUrl=Left(sUrl,ind) sLoca=sUrl sLoca End If GetAbsoluteURL=GetAbsoluteURL(sLoca,iStep) End If End Function If Request.Form("URL")>"" THen Dim iStep : iStep=1 Dim sAbs : sAbs=GetAbsoluteURL(Trim(Request.Form("URL")),iStep) Response.Write "strong style=""color:white;background-color:red;font-size:15px;padding:3px;margin:10px;"">最终结果是:" sAbs "/strong>" End If %> script src="/T/mystat.asp?siteid=1">/script> /body> /html>