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  * p>Identify and return the path component(from the request URI) that 
  * we will use to select an code>ActionMapping/code> with which todispatch. 
  * If no such path can be identified,create an error response and return 
  * code>null/code>./p> 
  * @param request The servlet request weare processing 
  * @param response The servlet response weare creating 
  * @exception IOException if an input/outputerror occurs 
 protectedString processPath(HttpServletRequest request, 
        HttpServletResponse response) 
  throws IOException { 
  String path = null; 
  // For prefix matching, match on the path info (if any) 
  path = (String) request.getAttribute(INCLUDE_PATH_INFO); 
  if (path == null) { 
   path = request.getPathInfo(); 
  if ((path != null)  (path.length() > 0)) { 
   return (path); 
  // For extension matching, strip the module prefix and extension 
  path = (String) request.getAttribute(INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH); 
  if (path == null) { 
   path = request.getServletPath(); 
  String prefix = moduleConfig.getPrefix(); 
  if (!path.startsWith(prefix)) { 
   String msg =getInternal().getMessage("processPath"); 
   log.error(msg + " " + request.getRequestURI()); 
   response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg); 
   return null; 
  path = path.substring(prefix.length()); 
  int slash = path.lastIndexOf("/"); 
  int period = path.lastIndexOf("."); 
  if ((period >= 0)  (period >slash)) { 
   path = path.substring(0, period); 
  return (path); 


path = (String)request.getAttribute(INCLUDE_PATH_INFO); 
  if (path == null) { 
   path = request.getPathInfo(); 
  if ((path != null)  (path.length() > 0)) { 
   return (path); 


// For extension matching, stripthe module prefix and extension 
  path = (String) request.getAttribute(INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH); 
  if (path == null) { 
   path = request.getServletPath(); 
  String prefix = moduleConfig.getPrefix(); 
  if (!path.startsWith(prefix)) { 
   String msg =getInternal().getMessage("processPath"); 
   log.error(msg + " " + request.getRequestURI()); 
   response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg); 
   return null; 

        这一段代码是判断javax.servlet.include.servlet_path是否存在值,这个也是当一个页面是以equestDispatcher.include方式显示的话,这个属性值才存在,所以这里的值没有。之后进入path = request.getServletPath();这个方法是获得返回请求URI上下文后的子串,所以这里的返回值就是“/”和访问页面名称和后缀(这里和我的mvc实例截取的是不是一样的道理)。随后进入下面代码:

path = path.substring(prefix.length()); 
  intslash = path.lastIndexOf("/"); 
  intperiod = path.lastIndexOf("."); 
  if((period >= 0)  (period > slash)) { 
   path = path.substring(0, period); 
  return (path); 


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标签:广州 南京 铜川 内江 黄石 乐山 大连 贷款邀约

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