PARAM name | Internet Explorer | Firefox with mime type application/x-ms-wmp | Firefox with any other mime type |
autoStart | yes | yes | yes |
balance | yes | yes | yes |
baseURL | yes | yes | yes |
captioningID | yes | yes | yes |
currentMarker | yes | yes | yes |
currentPosition | yes | yes | yes |
defaultFrame | yes | no | no |
enableContextMenu | yes | yes | yes |
enabled | yes | yes | yes |
enableErrorDialogs | yes | yes | no |
fileName | no | yes | yes |
fullScreen | yes | no | no |
invokeURLs | yes | no | no |
mute | yes | yes | yes |
playCount | yes | yes | no |
rate | yes | yes | yes |
SAMIFileName | yes | yes | yes |
SAMILang | yes | yes | yes |
SAMIStyle | yes | yes | yes |
SRC | no | yes | yes |
stretchToFit | yes | yes | no |
URL | yes | yes | yes |
volume | yes | yes | yes |
windowlessVideo | yes | yes | yes |
Parameter | Default | Description |
AudioStream | true | |
AutoSize | true | |
AutoStart | true | Sets if the player should start automatically |
AnimationAtStart | true | Sets if an animation should show while the file loads |
AllowScan | true | |
AllowChangeDisplaySize | true | |
AutoRewind | false | |
Balance | false | |
BaseURL | ||
BufferingTime | 5 | |
CaptioningID | ||
ClickToPlay | true | Sets if the player should start when the user clicks in the play area |
CursorType | false | |
CurrentPosition | true | |
CurrentMarker | false | |
DefaultFrame | ||
DisplayBackColor | false | |
DisplayForeColor | 16777215 | |
DisplayMode | false | |
DisplaySize | false | |
Enabled | true | |
EnableContextMenu | true | |
EnablePositionControls | true | |
EnableFullScreenControls | false | |
EnableTracker | true | |
Filename | URL | The URL of the file to play |
InvokeURLs | true | |
Language | true | |
Mute | false | |
PlayCount | 1 | |
PreviewMode | false | |
Rate | 1 | |
SAMILang | ||
SAMIStyle | ||
SAMIFileName | ||
SelectionStart | true | |
SelectionEnd | true | |
SendOpenStateChangeEvents | true | |
SendWarningEvents | true | |
SendErrorEvents | true | |
SendKeyboardEvents | false | |
SendMouseClickEvents | false | |
SendMouseMoveEvents | false | |
SendPlayStateChangeEvents | true | |
ShowCaptioning | false | |
ShowControls | true | Sets if the player controls should show |
ShowAudioControls | true | Sets if the audio controls should show |
ShowDisplay | false | Sets if the display should show |
ShowGotoBar | false | Sets if the GotoBar should show |
ShowPositionControls | true | |
ShowStatusBar | false | |
ShowTracker | true | |
TransparantAtStart | false | |
VideoBorderWidth | false | |
VideoBorderColor | false | |
VideoBorder3D | false | |
Volume | -200 | |
WindowlessVideo | false |
标签:黑龙江 巴彦淖尔 青海 运城 石嘴山 漯河 贵港 新疆
巨人网络通讯声明:本文标题《页面嵌入Windows Media Player播放器代码需要注意的》,本文关键词 页面,嵌入,Windows,Media,Player,;如发现本文内容存在版权问题,烦请提供相关信息告之我们,我们将及时沟通与处理。本站内容系统采集于网络,涉及言论、版权与本站无关。