Option Explicit Dim dtmDate If WScript.Arguments.Named.Count > 0 Then Syntax With WScript.Arguments.Unnamed ' Check command line arguments If .Count = 0 Then dtmDate = Now If .Count > 0 Then dtmDate = .Item(0) If .Count > 1 Then dtmDate = dtmDate " " .Item(1) If .Count > 2 Then dtmDate = dtmDate " " .Item(2) If .Count > 3 Then Syntax On Error Resume Next dtmDate = CDate( dtmDate ) If Err Then On Error Goto 0 Syntax End If On Error Goto 0 If Not IsDate( dtmDate ) Then Syntax End With ' Calculate and display the result WScript.Echo DateDiff( "s", "1970-01-01 00:00:00", dtmDate ) Sub Syntax WScript.Echo vbcrlf _ "Date2UTC.vbs, Version 1.00" _ vbCrLf _ "Convert any date/time to Unix time (UTC)" _ vbCrLf vbCrLf _ "Usage: CSCRIPT.EXE //NoLogo Date2UTC.vbs date [ time ]" _ vbCrLf vbCrLf _ "Where: ""date"" is the date to convert (default: current date/time)" _ vbCrLf _ " ""time"" is the optional time to convert" _ vbCrLf vbCrLf _ "Notes: Though often called UTC, Unix time does not take into account leap" _ vbCrLf _ " seconds, while ""official"" UTC does." _ vbCrLf _ " If the specified date is ambiguous, the current user's date" _ vbCrLf _ " and time format is assumed." _ vbCrLf vbCrLf _ "Written by Rob van der Woude" _ vbCrLf _ "http://www.robvanderwoude.com" WScript.Quit 1 End Sub