主页 > 知识库 > 用vbs读取Excel文件的函数代码


热门标签:办理胶州400电话财税 外呼营销下单系统 加盟电销机器人好的品牌 海外美发店地图标注 百度地图标注怎么卸载 打电话的外呼系统贵不贵 陕西高频外呼回拨系统哪家好 前锋办理400电话申请 新密防封卡外呼系统违法吗
复制代码 代码如下:

Function ReadExcel( myXlsFile, mySheet, my1stCell, myLastCell, blnHeader )
' Function : ReadExcel
' Version : 2.00
' This function reads data from an Excel sheet without using MS-Office
' Arguments:
' myXlsFile [string] The path and file name of the Excel file
' mySheet [string] The name of the worksheet used (e.g. "Sheet1")
' my1stCell [string] The index of the first cell to be read (e.g. "A1")
' myLastCell [string] The index of the last cell to be read (e.g. "D100")
' blnHeader [boolean] True if the first row in the sheet is a header
' Returns:
' The values read from the Excel sheet are returned in a two-dimensional
' array; the first dimension holds the columns, the second dimension holds
' the rows read from the Excel sheet.
' Written by Rob van der Woude
' http://www.robvanderwoude.com
Dim arrData( ), i, j
Dim objExcel, objRS
Dim strHeader, strRange

Const adOpenForwardOnly = 0
Const adOpenKeyset = 1
Const adOpenDynamic = 2
Const adOpenStatic = 3

' Define header parameter string for Excel object
If blnHeader Then
strHeader = "HDR=YES;"
strHeader = "HDR=NO;"
End If

' Open the object for the Excel file
Set objExcel = CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )
' IMEX=1 includes cell content of any format; tip by Thomas Willig
objExcel.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" _
myXlsFile ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;IMEX=1;" _
strHeader """"

' Open a recordset object for the sheet and range
Set objRS = CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" )
strRange = mySheet "$" my1stCell ":" myLastCell
objRS.Open "Select * from [" strRange "]", objExcel, adOpenStatic

' Read the data from the Excel sheet
i = 0
Do Until objRS.EOF
' Stop reading when an empty row is encountered in the Excel sheet
If IsNull( objRS.Fields(0).Value ) Or Trim( objRS.Fields(0).Value ) = "" Then Exit Do
' Add a new row to the output array
ReDim Preserve arrData( objRS.Fields.Count - 1, i )
' Copy the Excel sheet's row values to the array "row"
' IsNull test credits: Adriaan Westra
For j = 0 To objRS.Fields.Count - 1
If IsNull( objRS.Fields(j).Value ) Then
arrData( j, i ) = ""
arrData( j, i ) = Trim( objRS.Fields(j).Value )
End If
' Move to the next row
' Increment the array "row" number
i = i + 1

' Close the file and release the objects
Set objRS = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing

' Return the results
ReadExcel = arrData
End Function

复制代码 代码如下:

Option Explicit

Dim arrSheet, intCount

' Read and display columns A,B, rows 2..6 of "ReadExcelTest.xls"
arrSheet = ReadExcel( "ReadExcelTest.xls", "Sheet1", "A1", "B6", True )
For intCount = 0 To UBound( arrSheet, 2 )
WScript.Echo arrSheet( 0, intCount ) vbTab arrSheet( 1, intCount )

WScript.Echo "==============="

' An alternative way to get the same results
arrSheet = ReadExcel( "ReadExcelTest.xls", "Sheet1", "A2", "B6", False )
For intCount = 0 To UBound( arrSheet, 2 )
WScript.Echo arrSheet( 0, intCount ) vbTab arrSheet( 1, intCount )
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标签:伊春 梅州 阜阳 咸阳 河南 四平 牡丹江 武威

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