主页 > 知识库 > bookfind 通过ISBN序号获取图书连接的书名与作者的vbs代码

bookfind 通过ISBN序号获取图书连接的书名与作者的vbs代码

热门标签:海外美发店地图标注 打电话的外呼系统贵不贵 前锋办理400电话申请 新密防封卡外呼系统违法吗 办理胶州400电话财税 加盟电销机器人好的品牌 百度地图标注怎么卸载 外呼营销下单系统 陕西高频外呼回拨系统哪家好
复制代码 代码如下:

If WScript.Arguments.UnNamed.Count > 1 Then Syntax
If WScript.Arguments.Named.Count > 1 Then Syntax
blnTd = False
If WScript.Arguments.Named.Count = 1 Then
If UCase( WScript.Arguments.Named( 0 ) ) = "/TD" Then
blnTd = True
End If
End If
strISBN = WScript.Arguments.UnNamed( 0 )
strPgTitle = TitleFromHTML( "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/" strISBN "/" )
strPattern = "Amazon.com: (.*): Books: (.*)$"
strTitle = RegExpVal( strPattern, strPgTitle, 0 )
strAuthor = RegExpVal( strPattern, strPgTitle, 1 )
If blnTd Then
strMsg = strISBN vbTab strTitle vbTab strAuthor vbCrLf
strMsg = vbCrLf "Title : " strTitle _
vbCrLf "Author : " strAuthor _
vbCrLf "ISBN : " strISBN
End If
WScript.Echo strMsg
Function RegExpVal( strPattern, strString, idx )
On Error Resume Next
Dim regEx, Match, Matches, RetStr
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = strPattern
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
Set Matches = regEx.Execute( strString )
RegExpVal = Matches( 0 ).SubMatches( idx )
End Function
Function TitleFromHTML( strURL )
Set ie = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
ie.Navigate strURL
Do Until ie.ReadyState = 4
WScript.Sleep 10
TitleFromHTML = ie.Document.Title
End Function
Sub Syntax
strMsg = strMsg vbCrLf "BookFind.vbs, Version 1.11" vbCrLf _
"Display book title and author name for the specified ISBN number." vbCrLf vbCrLf _
"Usage: CSCRIPT //NOLOGO BOOKFIND.VBS isbn [ /TD ]" vbCrLf vbCrLf _
"Where: ""isbn"" is the ISBN (or ASIN) of the book to search for" vbCrLf _
" /TD changes the output format to tab delimited" vbCrLf vbCrLf _
"Note: This script uses Amazon's web site to look up author and title." vbCrLf _
" To be precise, the data is extracted from the title of the page" vbCrLf _
" with URL http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/ followed by the ISBN." vbCrLf _
" That means this script will fail when Amazon changes the URLs." vbCrLf vbCrLf _
"Written by Rob van der Woude" vbCrLf _
Wscript.Echo( strMsg )
Wscript.Quit( 1 )
End Sub

Where: "isbn" is the ISBN (or ASIN) of the book to search for
/TD changes the output format to tab delimited
Note: This script uses Amazon's web site to look up author and title.
To be precise, the data is extracted from the title of the page
with URL http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/ followed by the ISBN.
That means this script will fail when Amazon changes the URLs.
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标签:梅州 河南 伊春 牡丹江 四平 武威 阜阳 咸阳

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