主页 > 知识库 > 用vbs列出机器上所有能调用的组件


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regsvr32 regtool.ocx 


set wshshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
set registry = CreateObject("regtool.tob") 
set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 
set allkeys = registry.RegEnum("HKCR\") 
for each key in allkeys 
pos = Instr(2, key, ".") 
if pos>0 then 
'there's a dot. Is there another one? 
pos2 = Instr(pos+1, key, ".") 
if pos2>0 then 
'yes, so this name is version specific 
'check whether we already have a 
'version-independent progid! 
independent = left(key, pos2-1) 
if not dict.Exists(independent) then 
'no, store it 
dict.Add key, 0 
end if 
'this one is version-independent. 
'do we already have a version-dependent 
'progID in store? 
vdpid = "" 
for each element in dict 
if len(element)>len(key) then 
if left(element, len(key)+1)=key  "." then 
'yes, return name 
vdpid = element 
exit for 
end if 
end if 
'any version dependent progID found? 
if vdpid="" then 
'no, add to store 
dict.add key, 0 
'yes, replace 
dict.Remove vdpid 
dict.add key, 0 
end if 
end if 
end if 
MsgBox dict.Count  " Objects found!" 
for each key in dict 
list = list  key  vbCrlf 
MsgBox list 
outputfile = "C:\OBJECT.TXT" 
set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
set output = fs.CreateTextFile(outputfile, true) 
print dict.Count  " Objects found!" 
Print list 
wshshell.run outputfile 
sub Print(text) 
output.WriteLine text 
end sub 

到此这篇关于用vbs列出机器上所有能调用的组件的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关vbs 组件内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!

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