主页 > 知识库 > 批处理实现文本内容居中显示的代码


热门标签:浙江语音外呼系统招商 用电话机器人取代人工 aa专业电话外呼系统 沈阳电销 无锡极信防封电销卡价格 谷歌地图标注错位 外呼获客系统 四川防封电销卡套餐 95专业外呼线路是怎么回事

[Promise don't come easy]
I should have known all along.
There was something wrong.
I just never read between the lines.
Then I woke up one day and found you on your way.
Leaving nothing but my heart behind.
What can I do to make it up to you.
Promises don't come easy.
But tell me if there's a way to bring you back home to stay.
Well I'd promises anything to you.
I've been walkin' around with my head hanging down.
Wondrin' what I'm gonna do.
'Cause when you walked out that door.

[Promise don't come easy]
I should have known all along.
There was something wrong.
I just never read between the lines.
Then I woke up one day and found you on your way.
Leaving nothing but my heart behind.
What can I do to make it up to you.
Promises don't come easy.
But tell me if there's a way to bring you back home to stay.
Well I'd promises anything to you.
I've been walkin' around with my head hanging down.
Wondrin' what I'm gonna do.
'Cause when you walked out that door.


sed -e :a -e "s/^.\{1,77\}$/ /;ta" a.txt


以下代码是充分findstr命令的示例,使用findstr /n来取得行号同时兼容空行,
并将行号进行变量赋值;使用findstr /o来取得第行的字符偏移量,但要通过
况下只好生成临时文件;利用findstr /o能够一次性获得文本所有行的字符偏
复制代码 代码如下:

@echo off
copy /y 1.txt 2.txt>nul
echo.>>2.txtecho end>>2.txt
for /f "tokens=1,2* delims=: " %%i in ('findstr /n /o .* 2.txt') do (
set "_%%i=%%j"set ".%%i=%%k"
  if %%i geq 2 call :lp %%i
del /q 2.txtpause>nulgoto :eof
set /a n=%1-1
set /a num=_%1-_%n%-2
set /a kl=(80-num)/2
for /l %%i in (1,1,%kl%) do set /p= NUL
call,set /p=%%.%n%%%NULECHO.

标签:南平 广安 烟台 青岛 连云港 兴安盟 常德 迪庆

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