import time def main(): '''主函數''' while True: sl(),select_function() sl() user_input = input('select your operation: ') if user_input == '1': sl(),add_op() elif user_input == '2': sl(),delete_op() elif user_input == '3': sl(),alter_op() elif user_input == '4': sl(),search_op() elif user_input == '5': sl(),print_op() elif user_input == '6': print('\n system quit.') break else: sl(),print('\n plz enter correct number.') def select_function(): '''顯示系統功能''' print("\n1.add mbr\n2.delete mbr\n3.change info\ \n4.check info\n5.prt\'l infon6.exit sysn") sl() def store_new_info(): a = input('enter name: ').title() b = input('enter age: ').title() c = input('enter gender: ').title() return a,b,c def add_op(): '''添加新人''' name,age,gender = store_new_info() for i in all_info: if name == i['name'].strip(): print(f'{name} is existed.retry plz') break else: dict_inf = {} dict_inf['name'] = name dict_inf['age'] = age dict_inf['gender'] = gender all_info.append(dict_inf) print(f'{name} added.') def delete_op(): '''刪除已有人物''' del_nam = input('type the name to del:').title() for i in all_info: if del_nam == i['name'].strip(): all_info.remove(i) sl(),print(f'{del_nam} is removed.') else: sl(),print(f'no {del_nam} in list now.') def alter_op(): '''修改現有人物信息''' alter_nam = input('type the name who needs change: ').title() for i in all_info: if alter_nam != i['name'].strip(): continue else: i['age'] = input('type new age: ') i['gender'] = input('type new gender: ') break else: sl(),print(f'no {alter_nam} in list.') def search_op(): '''查找某個人物的信息''' se_num = input('type name to search: ').strip().title() for i in all_info: if se_num != i['name'].strip(): continue else: sl(),print(i) break def modify_op(): '''統一name首字母大寫且左對齊''' b = 0 for i in range(len(all_info)): a = len(all_info[i].get('name').strip()) b = max(a,b) for i in range(len(all_info)): all_info[i]['name'] = all_info[i].get('name').strip().title().ljust(b,' ') all_info[i]['gender'] = all_info[i].get('gender').strip().title().ljust(6,' ') def print_op(): '''輸出所有人物的全部信息''' modify_op() for i in all_info: print('\n',i,'\n') def sl(): time.sleep(0.5) all_info = [] main()