#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # 1. 定义Person类 class Person: def __init__(self, name, age): self.name = name self.age = age def watch_tv(self): print(f'{self.name} 看电视') # 2. 定义loop函数 # 打印 1-max 中的奇数 def test_person(): person = Person('Jake', 20) print(f'打印person的地址:', person) print(f'person.name:{person.name}') print(f'person.age:{person.age}') person.watch_tv() person = Person('Koko', 18) print(f'打印person的地址:', person) print(f'person.name:{person.name}') print(f'person.age:{person.age}') person.watch_tv() # 3. 执行calculate方法 # 计算 当前值小于1,当前值:0 # 计算 1 >= 1: True # 计算 2 >= 1: True # 计算 10 >= 1: True test_person()
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # pip3 install pymysql import pymysql from getpass import getpass # from mysql.connector import connect, Error # host = 'xxxxxxx' port = 3306 username = 'db_account_member' password = 'db_account_password' database = 'some_database' def connect_db(): return pymysql.connect(host=host, port=port, user=username, password=password, database=database, charset='utf8') def print_error(e): print(f'错误类型:{type(e)}') print(f'错误内容:{e}') def close_gracefully(cursor, conn): if cursor: cursor.close() if conn: conn.close() # 查询数据库,可以写任意查询语句 def query(sql): try: conn = connect_db() # 创建连接 cursor = conn.cursor() # 建立游标 cursor.execute(sql) # 执行sql语句 return cursor.fetchall() except pymysql.Error as e: print_error(e) finally: close_gracefully(cursor, conn) query_sql = 'select * from category where id = 1' rows = query(query_sql) print('category表中的数据如下:') print(rows)
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # 1. 导入csv库 import csv file_name = '../resources/test.csv' # 2. 定义headers和rows headers = ['index', 'name', 'sex', 'height', 'year'] rows = [ [1, 'Jake', 'male', 177, 20], [2, 'Koko', 'female', 165, 18], [3, 'Mother', 'female', 163, 45], [4, 'Father', 'male', 172, 48] ] # 3. 定义write_csv函数 # 写入csv def write_csv(): print(f'文件[{file_name}]准备写入') with open(f'{file_name}', 'w')as f: f_csv = csv.writer(f) f_csv.writerow(headers) f_csv.writerows(rows) print(f'文件[{file_name}]写入完毕') # 读取csv def read_csv(): print(f'文件[{file_name}]准备读取') with open(f'{file_name}')as f: f_csv = csv.reader(f) for row in f_csv: print(row) print(f'文件[{file_name}]读取完毕') # 4. 执行write_csv函数 write_csv() print('------') read_csv()
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # 导引 # 安装相关依赖 # pip3 install xlrd # 引入xlrd去支持读取xls相关的文件 import xlrd # 定义文件名 file_name = '../resources/sku.xls' # 1. 读取xls文件 # 预计输出 # sku.xls该文档有 3 个tab页 sku_file = xlrd.open_workbook(file_name) print("{0}该文档有 {1} 个tab页".format(file_name, sku_file.nsheets)) print("每个tab页,页名分别为: {0}".format(sku_file.sheet_names())) # 2. 读取xls文件第1页 # 预计输出 # tab页名:Sheet1,该tab页共有59行,3列 # A6方格的值:1908165140370878 current_sheet_index = 0 # 下标0为第一页tab current_sheet = sku_file.sheet_by_index(current_sheet_index) print("tab页名:{0},该tab页共有{1}行,{2}列".format(current_sheet.name, current_sheet.nrows, current_sheet.ncols)) print("A6方格的值:{0}".format(current_sheet.cell_value(rowx=5, colx=0))) # 3. 打印每页的数据,每一行的数据为一个数组 # 预计输出 # [text:'1908154975415329', text:'鞋面是织物 鞋底是聚氨酯底的哦', text:'鞋底是5厘米 内增是3厘米 总高度是8厘米左右哦'] # [text:'1908040228021948', text:'鞋面是飞织 鞋底是聚氨酯底的哦', text:'鞋底高度是3厘米左右哦'] # ...以下省略后续打印 for rx in range(current_sheet.nrows): print(current_sheet.row(rx))
import platform import pdfkit # 这里根据自己的系统修改对应的wkhtmltopdf安装路径,修改其中一个就行了 win_path = 'D:/tools/wkhtmltopdf' non_win_path = '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf' def wkhtmltopdf_path(): system = platform.system() if system == 'Darwin': print('苹果系统,可以生成pdf') path = non_win_path elif system == 'Windows': print('Windows系统,可以生成pdf') path = win_path elif system == 'Linux系统': print('Linux系统,可以生成pdf') path = non_win_path else: print('其他系统,暂不支持生成pdf') raise Exception('其他系统,暂不支持生成pdf') return path def pre_config(): return pdfkit.configuration(wkhtmltopdf=wkhtmltopdf_path()) # 从链接地址生成pdf def generate_pdf_from_url(url, output_file_path): config = pre_config() pdfkit.from_url(url, output_file_path) # 从字符串生成pdf def generate_pdf_from_string(str, output_file_path): config = pre_config() pdfkit.from_string(str, output_file_path) generate_pdf_from_url('https://baidu.com', '../temp/baidu_test.pdf') generate_pdf_from_string('hello', '../temp/hello.pdf')