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There are as many ways to solve this quirky echo problem as there are pages in this book. One of my favorites is very succinct:

function echon
 echo "$*" | awk '{ printf "%s" $0 }'

You may prefer to avoid the overhead incurred when calling the awk command, however, and if you have a user-level command called printf you can use it instead:

 printf "%s" "$*"

But what if you don't have printf and you don't want to call awk? Then use the tr command:

 echo "$*" | tr -d '\n'

This method of simply chopping out the carriage return with tr is a simple and efficient solution that should be quite portable.

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标签:武汉 六盘水 滁州 丹东 优质小号 镇江 百色 自贡

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