主页 > 知识库 > 深入理解Go语言中的数组和切片


热门标签:电销机器人可以补救房产中介吗 腾讯外呼系统价格 电梯外呼访客系统 谷歌便利店地图标注 最短的地图标注 浙江人工智能外呼管理系统 成都呼叫中心外呼系统平台 兓㑿 百度地图标注搜索关键词





a := [3]int{1, 2, 3}
b := a
c := a[:]
for i := 0; i  len(a); i++ {
 a[i] = a[i] + 1
fmt.Println(a) //[2,3,4]
fmt.Println(b) //[1 2 3]
fmt.Println(c) //[2,3,4]


make 只能用于slice, map channel, 所以下面一段代码生成了一个slice,是引用类型

s1 := make([]int, 0, 3)

for i := 0; i  cap(s1); i++ {
 s1 = append(s1, i)
s2 := s1
for i := 0; i  len(a); i++ {
 s1[i] = s1[i] + 1

fmt.Println(s1) //[1 2 3]
fmt.Println(s2) //[1 2 3]

三、当对slice append 超出底层数组的界限时

n1 := [3]int{1, 2, 3}
n2 := n1[0:3]
fmt.Println("address of items in n1: ")
for i := 0; i  len(n1); i++ {
 fmt.Printf("%p\n", n1[i])
//address of items in n1:
fmt.Println("address of items in n2: ")
for i := 0; i  len(n2); i++ {
 fmt.Printf("%p\n", n2[i])
//address of items in n2:

n2 = append(n2, 1)
fmt.Println("address of items in n1: ")
for i := 0; i  len(n1); i++ {
 fmt.Printf("%p\n", n1[i])
//address of items in n1:

fmt.Println("address of items in n2: ")
for i := 0; i  len(n2); i++ {
 fmt.Printf("%p\n", n2[i])
//address of items in n2:



func rmLast(a []int) {
 fmt.Printf("[rmlast] the address of a is %p", a)
 a = a[:len(a)-1]
 fmt.Printf("[rmlast] after remove, the address of a is %p", a)


func main() {
 xyz := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
 fmt.Printf("[main] the address of xyz is %p\n", xyz)
 fmt.Printf("[main] after remove, the address of xyz is %p\n", xyz)
 fmt.Printf("%v", xyz) //[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]


[main] the address of xyz is 0xc2080365f0
[rmlast] the address of a is 0xc2080365f0
[rmlast] after remove, the address of a is 0xc2080365f0
[main] after remove, the address of xyz is 0xc2080365f0
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]


func rmLast(a []int) {
 fmt.Printf("[rmlast] the address of a is %p", a)
 a = a[:len(a)-1]
 fmt.Printf("[rmlast] after remove, the address of a is %p", a)
func main() {
 xyz := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
 fmt.Printf("[main] the address of xyz is %p\n", xyz)
 fmt.Printf("[main] after remove, the address of xyz is %p\n", xyz)
 fmt.Printf("%v", xyz) //[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]


[main] the address of xyz is 0xc20801e1e0
[rmlast] the address of a is 0xc20801e200
[rmlast] after remove, the address of a is 0xc20801e200
[main] after remove, the address of xyz is 0xc20801e1e0
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]




  • 简单聊一聊Go语言中的数组和切片
  • go特性之数组与切片的问题
  • GO语言数组和切片实例详解
  • 理解Golang中的数组(array)、切片(slice)和map
  • 浅谈Go数组比切片好在哪

标签:眉山 雅安 七台河 绍兴 宜昌 上海 邢台 盘锦

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