--2.用游标Cursor_Table,遍历所有表 DECLARE Cursor_Table CURSOR FOR SELECT name from sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'u' AND name > 'dtproperties'; OPEN Cursor_Table; DECLARE @tableName NVARCHAR(MAX); FETCH NEXT from Cursor_Table INTO @tableName; WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @tempSQLText NVARCHAR(MAX) = '';
--3.在表中,用游标columnCursor,遍历所有字段。注意,只遍历字符串类型的字段(列) DECLARE columnCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT Name FROM SysColumns WHERE ID = Object_Id( @tableName ) and ( xtype = 35 or --text xtype = 99 or --ntext xtype = 167 or --varchar xtype = 175 or --char xtype = 231 or --nvarchar xtype = 239 or --nchar xtype = 241 --xml ) OPEN columnCursor; DECLARE @columnName NVARCHAR(MAX); FETCH NEXT from columnCursor INTO @columnName; WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN
--4.在表的字段中,对每一行进行模糊搜索,并输出找到的信息。 DECLARE @DynamicSQLText NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'IF ( EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM [' + @tableName + '] WHERE [' + @columnName + '] LIKE ''%' + @key_find + '%'' ) ) BEGIN DECLARE @CurrentTableCount Bigint = ( SELECT COUNT(*) From [' + @tableName + '] ); PRINT ''Find : Table [' + @tableName + '], Column [' + @columnName + '], Row Count:'' + CAST( @CurrentTableCount AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) + ''.''; END'; EXEC( @DynamicSQLText ); FETCH NEXT from columnCursor INTO @columnName END exec(@tempSQLText); CLOSE columnCursor; DEALLOCATE columnCursor; FETCH NEXT from Cursor_Table INTO @tableName; END CLOSE Cursor_Table; DEALLOCATE Cursor_Table;