特性:值不能重复,不能为空 null
格式:create table test (ID int primary key)
主键 + 自增的写法:
格式:create table test (ID int primary key auto_increment)
mysql> alter table test modify Name varchar(12) comment '用户名';
mysql> create table A(ID int primary key auto_increment,Name varchar(12),Department int); mysql> create table B(ID int primary key auto_increment,Name varchar(12)); mysql> insert into B(Name) values("财务"),("市场"); mysql> insert into A(Name,Department) values("张三",1),("李四",2),("王五",2);
mysql> select B.Name 部门,A.Name from B,A where B.ID=2 and A.Department=2;
一个事务中包含多条 SQL 语句,而且这些 SQL 语句之间存在一定的关系:
事务特性 | 作用 |
原子性(Atomic) | 事务的所有操作,要么全部完成,要么全部不完成,不会结束在某个中间环节。 |
一致性(Consistency) | 事务开始之前和事务结束之后,数据库的完整性限制未被破坏。 |
隔离性(Isolation) | 当多个事务并发访问数据库中的同一数据时,所表现出来的是相互关系。 |
持久性(Durability) | 事务完成之后,所做的修改会进行持久化保存,不会丢失。 |
隔离级别 | 作用 |
避免脏读、不可重复读、幻读 |
避免脏读、不可重复读 |
避免脏读 |
无作用 |
MySQL 支持上面 4 种隔离级别,默认为可重复读。如若想修改隔离级别需: sed -i '/\[mysqld]/a transaction-isolation = SERIALIZABLE' /etc/my.cnf
mysql> show variables like '%tx_is%'; mysql> exit [root@MySQL ~]# sed -i '/\[mysqld]/a transaction-isolation = SERIALIZABLE' /etc/my.cnf [root@MySQL ~]# systemctl restart mysqld [root@MySQL ~]# mysql -uroot -p123123 -e "show variables like '%tx_is%';"
mysql> create table C(ID int); mysql> insert into C values(1),(2); mysql> select * from C; mysql> BEGIN; mysql> insert into C values(3); mysql> COMMIT; mysql> select * from C;
mysql> show variables like 'autocommit'; #查看是否开启自动提交事务 mysql> BEGIN; mysql> insert into C values(4) mysql> select * from C; mysql> exit [root@localhost ~]# mysql -uroot -p123123 -e "select * from Coco.C where ID=4"
set autocommit=0
:在数据库中修改为临时生效(如若想永久修改需 sed -i '/\[mysqld]/a autocommit=0' /etc/my.cnf
mysql> set autocommit=0; mysql> select * from Coco.C; mysql> insert into Coco.C values(4); mysql> select * from Coco.C where ID=4; [root@localhost ~]# mysql -uroot -p123123 -e "select * from Coco.C where ID=4"
mysql> select ID as "编号",Name as "姓名",Department as "部门" from A where ID=1; mysql> select ID "编号",Name "姓名",Department "部门" from A where ID=1;
mysql> select distinct Department from A;
mysql> select * from A where ID >= 3 and Department = 2; mysql> select * from A where ID >= 3 or Department = 2;
mysql> select * from A where ID in(1,3,4); mysql> select * from A where ID not in(1,3,4); mysql> select * from A where ID between 1 and 3;
mysql> select * from A where Name like "%三%"; mysql> select * from A where Name like "%三%" or Name like "%四";
mysql> select * from A order by ID desc; mysql> select * from A order by Department,ID desc;
mysql> select * from C; mysql> select * from C limit 2; mysql> select * from C limit 0,2;