主页 > 知识库 > MySql使用skip-name-resolve解决外网链接客户端过慢问题


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uses DNS When a new thread connects to mysqld, mysqld will
spawn a new thread to handle the request. This thread will first check
if the hostname is in the hostname cache. If not the thread will call
gethostbyaddr_r() and gethostbyname_r() to resolve the hostname. If
the operating system doesn't support the above thread-safe calls, the
thread will lock a mutex and call gethostbyaddr() and gethostbyname()
instead. Note that in this case no other thread can resolve other
hostnames that is not in the hostname cache until the first thread is
ready. You can disable DNS host lookup by starting mysqld with
–skip-name-resolve. In this case you can however only use IP names in
the MySQL privilege tables. If you have a very slow DNS and many
hosts, you can get more performance by either disabling DNS lookop
with –skip-name-resolve or by increasing the HOST_CACHE_SIZE define
(default: 128) and recompile mysqld. You can disable the hostname
cache with –skip-host-cache. You can clear the hostname cache with
FLUSH HOSTS or mysqladmin flush-hosts. If you don't want to allow
connections over TCP/IP, you can do this by starting mysqld with

根据文档说明,如果你的mysql主机查询DNS很慢或是有很多客户端主机时会导致连接很慢,由于我们的开发机器是不能够连接外网的,所以DNS解析是不可能完成的,从而也就明白了为什么连接那么慢了。同时,请注意在增加该配置参数后,mysql的授权表中的host字段就不能够使用域名而只能够使用 ip地址了,因为这是禁止了域名解析的结果。



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标签:AXB 林芝 宿州 内江 三明 朔州 咸宁 汕头

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