本文主要讲解基于 自定义注解+Aop+反射+Redis+Lua表达式 实现的限流设计方案。实现的限流设计与实际使用。
本文演示项目使用的是 SpringBoot 项目,项目构建以及其他配置,这里不做演示。文末附限流Demo源码
本文演示项目使用的是 SpringBoot 项目,这里仅挑选了重点实现代码展示,
Lua 是一种轻量小巧的脚本语言可以理解为就是一组命令。
# 定义计数变量 local count # 获取调用脚本时传入的第一个key值(用作限流的 key) count = redis.call('get',KEYS[1]) # 限流最大值比较,若超过最大值,则直接返回 if count and tonumber(count) > tonumber(ARGV[1]) then return count; end # incr 命令 执行计算器累加 count = redis.call('incr',KEYS[1]) # 从第一次调用开始限流,并设置失效时间 if tonumber(count) == 1 then redis.call('expire',KEYS[1],ARGV[2]) end return count;
/** * 描述: 限流注解 * * @author 程序员小强 **/ @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface RateLimit { /** * 限流唯一标示 key * 若同时使用 keyFiled 则当前 key作为前缀 */ String key(); /** * 限流时间-单位:秒数 * 默认 60s */ int time() default 60; /** * 限流次数 * 失效时间段内最大放行次数 */ int count(); /** * 可作为限流key-参数类中属性名,动态值 * 示例:phone、userId 等 */ String keyField() default ""; /** * 超过最大访问次数后的,提示内容 */ String msg() default "over the max request times please try again"; }
msg - 超过限流的提示内容
@RateLimit(key = "limit-phone-key", time = 300, count = 10, keyField = "phone", msg = "5分钟内,验证码最多发送10次")
含义 - 5分钟内根据手机号限流10次
RedisKey- limit-phone-key:后面拼接的是参数中phone的值。
/** * Redis限流组件 * * @author 程序员小强 */ @Component public class RedisRateLimitComponent { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisRateLimitComponent.class); private JedisPool jedisPool; @Autowired public RedisRateLimitComponent(JedisPool jedisPool) { this.jedisPool = jedisPool; } /** * 限流方法 * 1.执行 lua 表达式 * 2.通过 lua 表达式实现-限流计数器 * * @param redisKey * @param time 超时时间-秒数 * @param rateLimitCount 限流次数 */ public Long rateLimit(String redisKey, Integer time, Integer rateLimitCount) { Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = jedisPool.getResource(); Object obj = jedis.evalsha(jedis.scriptLoad(this.buildLuaScript()), Collections.singletonList(redisKey), Arrays.asList(String.valueOf(rateLimitCount), String.valueOf(time))); return Long.valueOf(obj.toString()); } catch (JedisException ex) { logger.error("[ executeLua ] >> messages:{}", ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new RateLimitException("[ RedisRateLimitComponent ] >> jedis run lua script exception" + ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (jedis != null) { if (jedis.isConnected()) { jedis.close(); } } } } /** * 构建lua 表达式 * KEYS[1] -- 参数key * ARGV[1]-- 失效时间段内最大放行次数 * ARGV[2]-- 失效时间|秒 */ private String buildLuaScript() { StringBuilder luaBuilder = new StringBuilder(); //定义变量 luaBuilder.append("local count"); //获取调用脚本时传入的第一个key值(用作限流的 key) luaBuilder.append("\ncount = redis.call('get',KEYS[1])"); // 获取调用脚本时传入的第一个参数值(限流大小)-- 调用不超过最大值,则直接返回 luaBuilder.append("\nif count and tonumber(count) > tonumber(ARGV[1]) then"); luaBuilder.append("\nreturn count;"); luaBuilder.append("\nend"); //执行计算器自增 luaBuilder.append("\ncount = redis.call('incr',KEYS[1])"); //从第一次调用开始限流 luaBuilder.append("\nif tonumber(count) == 1 then"); //设置过期时间 luaBuilder.append("\nredis.call('expire',KEYS[1],ARGV[2])"); luaBuilder.append("\nend"); luaBuilder.append("\nreturn count;"); return luaBuilder.toString(); } }
/** * 描述:限流切面实现 * * @author 程序员小强 **/ @Aspect @Configuration public class RateLimitAspect { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RateLimitAspect.class); private RedisRateLimitComponent redisRateLimitComponent; @Autowired public RateLimitAspect(RedisRateLimitComponent redisRateLimitComponent) { this.redisRateLimitComponent = redisRateLimitComponent; } /** * 匹配所有使用以下注解的方法 * * @see RateLimit */ @Pointcut("@annotation(com.example.ratelimit.annotation.RateLimit)") public void pointCut() { } @Around("pointCut()@annotation(rateLimit)") public Object logAround(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, RateLimit rateLimit) throws Throwable { MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature(); String methodName = signature.getMethod().getName(); //组装限流key String rateLimitKey = this.getRateLimitKey(joinPoint, rateLimit); //限流组件-通过计数方式限流 Long count = redisRateLimitComponent.rateLimit(rateLimitKey, rateLimit.time(), rateLimit.count()); logger.debug("[ RateLimit ] method={},rateLimitKey={},count={}", methodName, rateLimitKey, count); if (null != count count.intValue() = rateLimit.count()) { //未超过限流次数-执行业务方法 return joinPoint.proceed(); } else { //超过限流次数 logger.info("[ RateLimit ] >> over the max request times method={},rateLimitKey={},currentCount={},rateLimitCount={}", methodName, rateLimitKey, count, rateLimit.count()); throw new RateLimitException(rateLimit.msg()); } } /** * 获取限流key * 默认取 RateLimit > key 属性值 * 若设置了 keyField 则从参数中获取该字段的值拼接到key中 * 示例:user_phone_login_max_times:13235777777 * * @param joinPoint * @param rateLimit */ private String getRateLimitKey(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, RateLimit rateLimit) { String fieldName = rateLimit.keyField(); if ("".equals(fieldName)) { return rateLimit.key(); } //处理自定义-参数名-动态属性key StringBuilder rateLimitKeyBuilder = new StringBuilder(rateLimit.key()); for (Object obj : joinPoint.getArgs()) { if (null == obj) { continue; } //过滤基本类型参数 if (ReflectionUtil.isBaseType(obj.getClass())) { continue; } //属性值 Object fieldValue = ReflectionUtil.getFieldByClazz(fieldName, obj); if (null != fieldValue) { rateLimitKeyBuilder.append(":").append(fieldValue.toString()); break; } } return rateLimitKeyBuilder.toString(); } }
/** * 反射工具 * * @author 程序员小强 */ public class ReflectionUtil { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReflectionUtil.class); /** * 根据属性名获取属性元素, * 包括各种安全范围和所有父类 * * @param fieldName * @param object * @return */ public static Object getFieldByClazz(String fieldName, Object object) { Field field = null; Class?> clazz = object.getClass(); try { for (; clazz != Object.class; clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) { try { //子类中查询不到属性-继续向父类查 field = clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName); } catch (NoSuchFieldException ignored) { } } if (null == field) { return null; } field.setAccessible(true); return field.get(object); } catch (Exception e) { //通过反射获取 属性值失败 logger.error("[ ReflectionUtil ] >> [getFieldByClazz] fieldName:{} ", fieldName, e); } return null; } /** * 判断对象属性是否是基本数据类型,包括是否包括string | BigDecimal * * @param clazz * @return */ public static boolean isBaseType(Class clazz) { if (null == clazz) { return false; } //基本类型 if (clazz.isPrimitive()) { return true; } //String if (clazz.equals(String.class)) { return true; } //Integer if (clazz.equals(Integer.class)) { return true; } //Boolean if (clazz.equals(Boolean.class)) { return true; } //BigDecimal if (clazz.equals(BigDecimal.class)) { return true; } //Byte if (clazz.equals(Byte.class)) { return true; } //Long if (clazz.equals(Long.class)) { return true; } //Double if (clazz.equals(Double.class)) { return true; } //Float if (clazz.equals(Float.class)) { return true; } //Character if (clazz.equals(Character.class)) { return true; } //Short return clazz.equals(Short.class); } }
/** * 计数器 * 演示 demo 为了方便计数 */ private static final AtomicInteger COUNTER = new AtomicInteger(); /** * 普通限流 * p> * 30 秒中,可以访问10次 */ @RequestMapping("/limitTest") @RateLimit(key = "limit-test-key", time = 30, count = 10) public Response limitTest() { MapString, Object> dataMap = new HashMap>(); dataMap.put("date", DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")); dataMap.put("times", COUNTER.incrementAndGet()); return Response.success(dataMap); }
public class UserPhoneCaptchaRateParam implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L; private String phone; //省略 get/set }
private static final MapString, AtomicInteger> COUNT_PHONE_MAP = new HashMap>(); /** * 根据手机号限流-限制验证码发送次数 * p> * 示例:5分钟内,验证码最多发送10次 */ @RequestMapping("/limitByPhone") @RateLimit(key = "limit-phone-key", time = 300, count = 10, keyField = "phone", msg = "5分钟内,验证码最多发送10次") public Response limitByPhone(UserPhoneCaptchaRateParam param) { MapString, Object> dataMap = new HashMap>(); dataMap.put("date", DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")); if (COUNT_PHONE_MAP.containsKey(param.getPhone())) { COUNT_PHONE_MAP.get(param.getPhone()).incrementAndGet(); } else { COUNT_PHONE_MAP.put(param.getPhone(), new AtomicInteger(1)); } dataMap.put("times", COUNT_PHONE_MAP.get(param.getPhone()).intValue()); dataMap.put("reqParam", param); return Response.success(dataMap); }
@Data public class OrderRateParam implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L; private String orderId; //省略 get\set }
private static final MapString, AtomicInteger> COUNT_ORDER_MAP = new HashMap>(); /** * 根据订单ID限流示例 * p> * 300 秒中,可以访问10次 */ @RequestMapping("/limitByOrderId") @RateLimit(key = "limit-order-key", time = 300, count = 10, keyField = "orderId", msg = "订单飞走了,请稍后再试!") public Response limitByOrderId(OrderRateParam param) { MapString, Object> dataMap = new HashMap>(); dataMap.put("date", DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")); if (COUNT_ORDER_MAP.containsKey(param.getOrderId())) { COUNT_ORDER_MAP.get(param.getOrderId()).incrementAndGet(); } else { COUNT_ORDER_MAP.put(param.getOrderId(), new AtomicInteger(1)); } dataMap.put("times", COUNT_ORDER_MAP.get(param.getOrderId()).intValue()); dataMap.put("reqParam", param); return Response.success(dataMap); }