主页 > 知识库 > Teleopti诚聘中国区高级销售经理


热门标签:巴彦淖尔市400电话申请 途智广播电视台地图标注 电话外呼营销系统怎么用 徐泾镇百度地图标注位置要钱吗 七台河400电话办理 针对在校大学生的外呼系统 南阳外呼营销系统 广元数企外呼系统 简单易用电话机器人
China Senior Sales Manager
Working city: Beijing
We are now recruiting an experienced and dynamic Sales Manager who can develop the China market for Teleopti – A Calabrio Company. As a senior sales manager in whole China Country, the candidate should focus on building new business, maintain available customer relationships, and build up healthy revenue streams and relationships with customers and partners. 
Job description:
  • Most important is sales drive. To identify and contact relevant potential customers
  • Contact on multiple levels in complex customer organizations. Requiring very good skills in identifying opportunities as well as building relationships in organizations based on a good stake holder identification
  • Meet or exceed the agreed sales target
  • Account planning. At least half yearly based review of customer relationship to ensure that we capture needs for the following year prior to customers budget process.
  • Business planning, cost control, and reporting for the territory
  • Help partners with pricing, commercial and technical questions
  • Follow up, build and maintain sales pipeline
  • Understand and support the internal processes associated with the role, such as order management, invoicing, debt collection, reporting and administration
  • Ensure customer and partner satisfaction 
Skills Experience:
  • Excellent English and Chinese oral and written communication skills
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Telecommunication, Business Administration or related
  • Excellent documentation and presentation skills
  • Technical communication skills
  • Structured and analytical way of working with regards to business planning, goal setting and evaluation of development
  • Self-motivated and winning mentality
  • At least 8 years of experience of B2B consultancy, or SW applications or SaaS solutions, etc.
Travel is also a must for this position; the total estimated travelling time should be around 30%-50% of the working hours.
简历投递给 Sara.Mensi@teleopti.com, 抄送给 cheng.ye@teleopti.com 

标签:荆门 营口 茂名 枣庄 文山 九江 恩施 辛集

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