主页 > 知识库 > 2014中国呼叫中心行业峰会参展厂商:艾斯瑞


热门标签:温州ai智能语音电销机器人 凯立德疾控中心地图标注 上海三菱gpm外呼系统接线 地图标注该怎样做 哈尔滨防封电销卡购买 外呼系统收费 果洛智能电话机器人 怎么开通外呼线路 许昌智能电销机器人价格

  美国艾斯瑞通信系统公司(Interactive Intelligence Inc. Nasdaq:ININ)(简称“艾斯瑞公司”)将参加10月28-30日在中国北京举行的“2014中国(第十届)呼叫中心行业峰会暨亚太客户中心协会领袖联盟博览”。(http://www.ctiforum.com/expo/2014/award2014/index.htm>)。

 Interactive Intelligence Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ININ) is a global provider of contact center, unified communications, and business process automation software and services designed to improve the customer experience.

Our Numbers

Founded in 1994 and backed by more than 6,000 customers worldwide, Interactive Intelligence is profitable and debt-free with 2013 revenues of $318.2 million, an increase of 34 percent over 2012.

Our Solutions

Our IP business communications solutions unify every aspect of contact center and enterprise interactions for reduced costs, simplified management, and improved customer service.

Contact Center - Cloud or on-premises, get everything your contact center needs to offer consistent, world-class service in a single-platform, all-in-one IP communications software suite.

Unified Communications - Support your entire enterprise with a single-platform, all-software IP PBX application suite that easily integrates with your existing business applications.

Business Process Automation - A unique and cost-effective communications-based process automation application that applies proven contact center technologies to capture, prioritize, route, escalate, track and manage work throughout the entire business process lifecycle.

Our Customers
Interactive Intelligence customers represent a wide range of brand-name companies, including AIG, American Red Cross, Angie’s List, ASPCA, BH Photo, BMW, CarMax, Coca Cola, Crutchfield, Eli Lilly and Company, Finish Line, GROUPON, Harrah’s, Harvard University, Honda, Hydro-Québec, IKEA, John Deere, Kohl’s, Motorola, Nationwide, Random House, Rolex, Sony, Trader Joe’s, UNUM, US Airways, Volvo, Walgreens, and many more.

标签:张家口 儋州 铜陵 舟山 绵阳 河南 儋州 鄂州

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