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[英文]Verint Impact360和思科新客户合作套件集成

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Verint® Systems Inc. today announced that its Impact 360® Workforce Optimization™ suite will interoperate with the latest Customer Collaboration applications from Cisco—including Cisco MediaSense network-based recording; Cisco SocialMiner for proactive social media management; and Cisco Finesse, the company’s new agent desktop.
Verint’s Impact 360 solutions, such as its Impact 360 Quality Monitoring™ and Verint Customer Interaction Analytics™, deliver highly scalable recording and analysis of the interactions that take place between companies and their customers. The combination of Cisco infrastructure and Verint’s software and services allows organizations to gain valuable insights into caller issues, guide customer service agents toward timely first-contact resolution, improve staff productivity and increase customer satisfaction.
Verint has a long-standing relationship with Cisco as an active Cisco Developer Network partner and has worked closely with Cisco deploying innovative workforce optimization (WFO) applications to joint customers around the world for over a decade.
“Verint was an early pioneer leading the way in the deployment of workforce optimization solutions and the recording of customer interactions using Internet Protocol (IP). Today, thousands of customers across the globe benefit from their use of Verint technology on Cisco platforms,” says John Bourne, senior vice president, global channels and alliances, Verint Witness Actionable Solutions.


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