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I3客户互动中心CIC和IBM Lotus Sametime集成(英文)

热门标签:电商新玩法 百度竞价排名 银行客服 运营中心 电销机器人源码 美团 科大讯飞语音识别系统 电销机器人
Solution designed to increase employee productivity and improve customer service
INDIANAPOLIS & ORLANDO, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Interactive Intelligence (Nasdaq: ININ) is offering integration of its all-in-one IP communications software suite, Customer Interaction Center™ (CIC), with IBM Lotus Sametime.
The solution integrates CIC's desktop client, presence, and company-wide directory capabilities with Lotus Sametime to help companies increase employee productivity and improve customer service.
"We designed our integration so shared CIC and Lotus Sametime users could better collaborate with each other," said Interactive Intelligence chief marketing officer, Joe Staples. "By removing silos of communication, our integration will help companies maximize the expertise of all employees so they can cost-effectively provide better service to their customers."
The solution gives CIC and Lotus Sametime users access to a single company-wide directory, thus eliminating duplicate entries and simplifying administration.
Presence information is synchronized between the CIC and Lotus Sametime software so contact center agents and business users can view each other's status for more efficient communications. System administrators can define how users' status will be synchronized and displayed for maximum flexibility and ease-of-use.
The solution also gives contact center agents access to the CIC desktop client application, Interaction Client®, from which they can initiate Lotus Sametime instant messaging and voice chats, thus further helping to improve productivity.
The CIC and Lotus Sametime integration is planned for general availability in Q1 2011.


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