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Branch Banking Workforce Management Solution to Help Provide Consistent, Quality Customer Experiences, While Enhancing Service and Resource Management
Verint® Systems Inc. (NASDAQ: VRNT) today announced that Frost Bank will implement its Impact 360® for Retail Financial Services™ solution. The bank will deploy the workforce management software specifically designed for retail bank branches to help optimize resource allocation to meet customer demand and provide a consistent, high-quality in-branch customer experience.
Frost Bank, a subsidiary of Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc., is one of the largest commercial banks headquartered in the state of Texas, with total assets of $17.7 billion and more than 110 financial service centers statewide. Frost is dedicated to making banking easier for its customers, and as such has placed an emphasis on prioritizing service delivery and the customer experience. With the October 2010 purchase of Impact 360 for Retail Financial Services from Verint Witness Actionable Solutions®, the bank found a solution that could help it achieve its customer service goals, and manage resources and operations more efficiently.
Impact 360 will provide Frost with a holistic approach and solution set for managing its branch workforce. The solution provides robust functionality uniquely designed for banking environments, automating the ability to forecast customer volumes, create strategic plans for allocating resources, and empower branch leaders to produce optimal staff schedules.
“Frost Bank chose Verint’s Impact 360 solution for its intuitive, easy to use scheduler. Our financial center managers will benefit from producing schedules that more accurately match customer traffic in less time and effort,” explains Raquel Cardenas, senior vice president of consumer banking administration, Frost. “We are also looking forward to using the strategic planner to help us determine our optimal full-time/part-time/peak-time mix and for long-term budgeting and resource planning.”
“We are delighted to welcome Frost to the Verint family as it furthers its workforce optimization focus. Its selection of Verint underscores the growing number of financial service organizations that are turning to our Impact 360 solutions to help improve in-branch customer experiences, while effectively managing and maximizing internal resources both within and outside the branch,” adds Steve Weller, senior vice president, Americas, Verint Witness Actionable Solutions. “As a leading, global provider of branch and enterprise workforce optimization solutions, Verint is committed to delivering solutions that help organizations of all sizes maintain their competitive edge, manage operational costs, and advance their customer relationships.”


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