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CTI论坛(ctiforum)12月7日消息(记者 杨佳林):Convergys Corporation, a global leader in relationship management, announced today that for the fifth consecutive year, it took home the Best Call Center IVR Provider award at Brazil’s CONAREC – The National Congress of Company-Customer Relations. The conference, presented by Consumidor Moderno (Modern Consumer) magazine and Brazilian publishing concern Grupo Padrão and held in São Paulo, is the premier client-customer relationship event in Latin America.
The Congress selected Convergys’ IVR solution for this honor based on a survey of the IVR user market in Brazil. Convergys’ IVR solution is part of Convergys’ innovative Intelligent Interaction Solutions portfolio, which includes voice self-service and real-time decisioning solutions to help drive increased customer loyalty, deliver intuitive and personalized interactions, manage customer credits, and facilitate bill collections.
“We thank the Congress for honoring Convergys with this award, which recognizes the vital role our advanced customer care technology plays in helping our clients worldwide build and sustain lasting and profitable customer relationships throughout the customer relationship lifecycle” said Renato Ciuchini, Vice President of Latin America Technology Sales and Solutions for Convergys.
Convergys has been helping companies optimize the value of their customer relationships for over 30 years. Its industry-leading technologies and services take advantage of this experience to provide solutions that balance customer satisfaction with cost effectiveness.


标签:儋州 活动通知 仙桃 延安 巴中 日照 咸宁 玉溪

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