主页 > 知识库 > [英文]托管联络中心执行过程中的“该做”和“不该做”分析研究报告出版


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The dos and don’ts of hosted contact center implementations
Over the past two years, under extreme pressure to retain customers, increase customer loyalty, and reduce overhead costs, enterprises have been forced to rethink their customer care strategies to strike the right balance between effectiveness and efficiency. The contact center is at the heart of this strategy. Because of shrinking budgets and limited in-house expertise, enterprises are increasingly investing in hosted contact center services to reduce capital outlay and to access a wide range of technology options. This enables enterprises to develop new business processes and create more flexible staffing plans.


Executive summary
In a nutshell
Ovum view
Market pressures create the need for the hosted contact center
How technology complements strategy
Ten best practices for implementing a hosted contact center
1. Start with a clean slate
2. Understand the technology and resources that you already have in place
3. Link front- and back-office functions to improve the overall customer experience
4. Understand security implications of a hosted contact center
5. Think about contact center staffing more flexibly
6. Look into new products and features that will improve your business results
7. Focus more on the customer and less on the infrastructure
8. Think about monitoring and analyzing your business more frequently and in different ways
9. Plan well to make future possibilities a reality
10. Use the hosting provider’s contact center experience to help guide you
Making changes without disrupting process
Hosted contact center


标签:湘潭 四平 大兴安岭 天门 乌海 包头 黑龙江 锦州

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