还是手贱,在修改了网络配置和更新后,开机,机子木有无线网卡了,有线网卡也非常诡异,必须要restart network才能连出去。
First open Terminal and log in as root.
# su
After that go the correct folder.
# cd /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
Now take a look at the content of this folder. If you had a VPN connection e.g. there must be a file with the name of that connection.
# ls -la
Now you can remove that file or you can move it to another folder (so you can set it back if this solution does not work for your problem).
To move the file to your personal folder use the following command:
# mv filename> /home/username>/ #username是你的用户名
Now the only thing left is starting the Network Manager:
# NetworkManager