主页 > 知识库 > 修改solaris的默认语言


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#chmod u+w /etc/default/init
#vi /etc/default/init
$ cat init
# Copyright 1992, 1999-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
#ident  "@(#)init.dfl   1.7     02/12/03 SMI"
# This file is /etc/default/init.  /etc/TIMEZONE is a symlink to this file.
# This file looks like a shell script, but it is not.  To maintain
# compatibility with old versions of /etc/TIMEZONE, some shell constructs
# (i.e., export commands) are allowed in this file, but are ignored.
# Lines of this file should be of the form VAR=value, where VAR is one of
# TZ, LANG, CMASK, or any of the LC_* environment variables.  value may
# be enclosed in double quotes (") or single quotes (').
LANG=EN //使用英文字体
#LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8  //原来默认的中文,注解掉


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