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日前,大中国区领先的人力资源整体解决方案供应商CDP集团正式宣布,世界领先的半导体解决方案供应商科胜讯已经签约CDP,并将在近期启用CDP的人力资源业务流程外包 (HR BPO) 服务。

根据合同约定,CDP将为科胜讯提供基于世界领先的SAP HR平台上的高质量的HR BPO服务。有了CDP的服务,科胜讯将能够在强大的HR处理平台上管理其中国区超过600名员工的薪资,并且管理他们的基本信息。

HR BPO是指企业将其整个人力资源及其流程整体外包给外部的服务供应商。CDP的服务能使企业更专注于其核心业务的发展,提高人力资源管理的效率以及提高投资回报率从而使企业实现最大增值。



Conexant Outsourced Payroll to CDP

[June, 25, 2007, Shanghai] Today, the leading HR Total Solution Provider, CDP Group Limited announced that Conexant System, Inc. signed a long-term service contract with CDP and outsourced their payroll to CDP.

According to the contract, CDP will provide its high quality HR Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services to Conexant based on world-class SAP HR platform. With CDP’s services, Conexant can run its 600 employees’ payroll on a powerful platform and manage their master data efficiently.

HR BPO refers to the outsourcing of an integrated group of HR processes to an external partner. In this way, CDP BPO services enable companies to focus on their core operations, improve their HR operation efficiency, and increase their return on investment, therefore their bottom-line value assets.

Conexant Systems, Inc. is a worldwide leader in semiconductor solutions for broadband communications for the digital home. Conexant’s innovative semiconductor system solutions enable global access networks, and are driving digital home information and entertainment networks worldwide.

Conexant was launched as an independent entity in January 1999. The company leverages its expertise in mixed-signal processing to deliver integrated systems and semiconductor products that are driving broadband communications and the digital home.


标签:德州 电信行业 哈尔滨 新余 淮南 白银 镇江 汉中

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