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  • 1、机器人对人类有什么害处?(英文)
  • 2、机器人的害处用英语表述带翻译
  • 3、用英语说机器人的长处和缺陷
  • 4、用英语说说机器人的长处和害处




Demerits of the robots.

Disadvantages of the robots.



(1)First, roborts make our life more convenient.

We can do many thing that we didn't have the ability to do in the past by using roborts.

That makes our life more effective.

(2)Second, roborts can be used in industry produce.

Factories can reduce the cost of prodution by using roborts.

Roborts do not need to eat and they will not be ill. That's verygood for producing goods.

(3)Third,roborts can save more people when disaster happens.

Because they can't feelpain and they can save more people without feeling tired.


(1)First,robots can do people great harm.

(2)Second,robots can work day and night, many bosses will use many robots in stead of workes.

So many workers are in the danger of losing jobs.

We will see a large number of peopel who are under unemployment because of the robots.

(3)Third,robots can do many different kinds of jobs, people may become much lazier than before.

People need to do some things to keep healthy.


Development of Robots:

Nowadays, the characteristics of the development of robots can be summarized as follows:

transversely, the application area is getting wider and wider.

From 95% of industrial applications to more non-industrial applications.

Such as surgery, fruit picking, pruning, roadway excavation, reconnaissance, mine clearance, as well as space robots, submarine robots.

Robot application is unlimited, as long as you can think of it, you can create and realize it;

Longitudinally, there will be more and more kinds of robots, such as micro-robots into the human body,

which has become a new direction, can be as small as a grain of rice;

Robot intelligence has been strengthened, and robots will be more intelligent.



What harm can the robot do people?

Robot has played an important role in the industries and people's daily life.

Robot can do many things that are hard or impossible for men to do. Robot has replaced people to do many boring jobs. We can't neglect the advantage that robot has given to people.

But robot can really do people great harm. With robot working day and night, many bosses will use many robots in stead of workes. So many workers are in the danger of losing jobs.We will see a large number of peopel who are under unemployment because of the robots.

With robots doing many different kinds of jobs, people may become much lazier than before. I think that is not good for humans. People need to do some things to keep healthy.

With more and more robots produced and invented, I am afraid the robot will take over the earth. That may be the worst thing that people are not willing to see.

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